To show their respect our children created some beautiful art work which was placed at Monkton Cenotaph.
Student council very responsibly collected our fabulous Harvest Festival donated by our generous school community, ready for delivery to our friends in Hebburn Helps!
Great demonstration of citizenship!
Already student council have been pulling together as a team! The children wanted a sandpit, so the student council made them one! Well done everyone, you demonstrated; resilience, engagement and responsibility and you are respected for your achievements!
This week the children have been learning about democracy. They have written manifestos, delivered inspiring speeches and voted!

Our fantastic Y6’s competed at Boldon Cricket Club on Monday, as a post-SATS treat. They had a lovely day in the sunshine and managed to win a few games while they were at it!

On International Women’s Day, 8 March, members of the student council delivered flowers to all of the ladies in school! Please note it was also World Book Day!
The year 3 children visited the Hancock museum to learn more about life in Ancient Egypt. Their engagement and behaviour was outstanding and the children loved the day! They had lots of lovely things to say about it on their return to school. While we were there we were able to recap our learning in other subjects like : science, rocks and soils and fossils, history, stone age to iron age and geography, our local animals life and river.
A huge well done to year three for their responsible attitude to safety, their engagement to learn and their respect for people and objects. Check out just a few snippets of our fantastic day: