Reception had a fantastic PE session at the Urban Factory this week. They displayed all of our school values; responsibility, respect, resilience and engagement.
Yesterday our Reception children had lots of Easter excitement. They took part in their egg colouring competition, engaged in an egg hunt and enjoyed a special surprise visit .
Everyone exchanged their egg hunt eggs with the Easter Bunny for a scrumptious chocolate egg.
Our children said “This is the best day ever!”
Wowsers Trousers! What a beautiful afternoon our Reception have had at their Forest School stay and play.
Our lovely families have enjoyed transient art, creating mud cakes, leaf butterflies, sharing non-fiction texts, bird watching, minibeast hunting, planting, exploring frogspawn in our new pond and lots of other lovely activities.
Thank you for coming and creating precious memories with our little ones.
To celebrate World Book Day, Year 4 and Reception class enjoyed a reading session together.
The children loved being buddy readers!
Wow Reception! You were all amazing today, showcasing your superstar balancing and jumping skills!
Over the last two days, every child from Reception to Year 6 has taken part in a STEM collaboration with the KAPLA workshop team. They have learned how to work as a team and shown resilience and engagement with the process in order to complete their final build.
We have built ski villages, giraffes, houses, crocodiles, boats and so much more! The wooden bricks needed to be carefully placed to make different shapes that would stand tall. There was no glue, no fixing mechanisms, just pure determination and a methodical, systematic approach.
We are so proud of what we managed to achieve together! A massive thank you to all of those parents and adults that helped our children enjoy an amazing learning experience.
The school council decided that they would like to buy some resources for our chilckens and ducks.
In assembley they launched the idea of a bake sale to the whole school. Each member of the student council explained why they loved our animals so much and how important they were to everyone in school.
The children made 300 cakes and dedicated some of their lunch break to sell them to the rest of the school.
Everyone loved their cake and Wow!!! we raised £75.93. The next decision is what to buy!!
Our school councillors set a competition to win South Shields Football Club season tickets. They decided that the competition would be won by the class that had the best attendance over a whole week. Reception Class won the competition so our councillors went to Reception Class to tell them the exciting news!
Mrs. Shepherd and her class were very excited and proud of themselves. Year 6 Student Councillors then chose a number at random and the winner of the season tickets was announced. Well Done Reception Class!