
We strongly believe in the importance of quality PSHE education. It provides a fundamental foundation to support all children in being prepared for lifelong learning.  We believe that skills for life need to be explicitly taught, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, to ensure that our children are well prepared for life. 

We aim to enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of our society and to help them tackle many of the social, moral and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide children with the opportunity to learn about economic well being, caring for the environment, their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Children will know how to stay safe online and understand what healthy relationships should look like in real life and online.


A whole school approach is essential and effective because many aspects of school life influence pupils’ personal and social development. The P.S.H.E. Curriculum can be delivered through 4 main areas:  

  • P.S.H.E. designated time (family groups and SCARF corham scheme)
  • Teaching in and through other curriculum areas.  
  • Through enrichment activities and school events.  
  • Through pastoral care and guidance.

We aim to deliver PSHE as a whole school approach in order to provide a full curriculum in the most effective way, providing a breadth of opportunities. In order to support this, we follow the Corham SCARF scheme of work (which stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship). The scheme provides a whole-school approach to building these essential foundations. This is crucial for children to achieve their best, academically and socially. SCARF is a whole-school approach to promoting behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing.

Family group system 

Family Group sessions are delivered on alternate weeks by Family Group leaders in mixed age groups across school. It is planned in themes by the PSHE coordinator. We believe the “Family Group” system is a key strength in the school and is reviewed termly to ensure coverage is current and reflective of the needs of children in school, as well as  encompassing British Values and SMSC. The RE coordinator also ensures spiritual and cultural strands are covered in the RE curriculum.

Additional PSHE sessions are timetabled on a weekly basis and are taught with a year group focus, using the comprehensive SCARF scheme. 

We use a range of teaching and learning styles. We place an emphasis on active learning by including the children in discussions, investigations and problem-solving activities. We encourage the children to take part in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship, e.g. charity fundraising, the planning of school special events such as an assembly or open evening, or involvement in an activity to help other individuals or groups in the community. We organise classes in such a way that pupils are able to participate in discussion to resolve conflicts or set agreed classroom rules of behaviour. We offer children the opportunity to hear visiting speakers, such as health workers, police, and representatives from the local church, whom we invite into school to talk about their role in creating a positive, supportive local community.


Please see below for our curriculum overview:

Within each half term, there is a focus topic across the whole school.  This topic is then tailored to the age/stage of each age group to ensure that teaching and learning is at an appropriate level.  This also ensures that there is progression in learning across school.  The aims are clearly identified and supported through clear planning and resources to ensure comprehensive delivery of the subject. 

Supporting scheme: Corham SCARF

Taught Friday afternoons

Year group Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Half termly themes for years 1-6 Me and my relationships

(relationships strand)

Valuing difference

(British values)

Keeping myself safe (aspects of relationships) Rights and respect

(Money and living in the wider world)

Being my best

(health and wellbeing)

Growing and changing (RSE related issues)

Please see below for further information on how we enhance our implementation of the PSHE curriculum in school.

Enhanced implementation:

Area Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr6
Mapped visits British Values: Remembrance – visit to cenotaph 

School Council: Town Hall

British Values: Remembrance – visit to cenotaph 

School Council: Town Hall

British Values: Remembrance – visit to cenotaph 

School Council: Town Hall

British Values: Remembrance – visit to cenotaph 

School Council: Town Hall

British Values: Remembrance – visit to cenotaph 

School Council: Town Hall

British Values: Remembrance – visit to cenotaph 

School Council: Town Hall

Whole school events
  • Breakfast Club   
  • Culture Week 
  • Family Groups 
  • Macmillan Morning 
  • Anti-bullying week
  • FAB Awards 
  • Anti Bullying week 
  • Odd sock day
  • E-Safety Week
  • NSPCC Assemblies 
  • Celebration assembly 
  • Weekly news assembly 
  • School Council 
Other Years 1 and 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6
  • Theraplay sessions 
  • Drawing and Talking sessions 
  • Social Skills groups: Fun Friends, Happy to Be Me 
  • Trailblazers 
  • (on request) 
  • Community Police – Assembly 
  • Fire Safety Talk 
  • Class assembly 
  • Pet theraplay
  • Key Stage Nativity 
  • Mental health champions
  • Salad bar
  • Theraplay sessions 
  • Drawing and Talking sessions 
  • Social Skills groups: Fun 
  • Friends, Happy to Be Me 
  • Trailblazers 
  • Pet therapy
  • Mental health champions
  • Salad bar
  • Breakfast club – healthy food choices
  • Theraplay session
  • Talking for drawing sessions: Social skills group
  • Trailblazers
  • Show racism the red card
  • Pet therapy
  • Operation encompass
  • Anna Freud- Deep Relaxation/ mindfulness
  • Mental health champions
  • Salad bar
  • Breakfast club – healthy food choices.
Opportunities to develop talents (clubs/tuition) Gymnastics Coach 

Dance Coach 

Bike ability 

Mindfulness colouring after school club

Gymnastics Coach 

Dance Coach 

Mindfulness colouring after school club

Music tuition Music tuition Lego club

Mindfulness colouring


Lego club

Mindfulness colouring


PSHE Progression Document


British Values Passport

Click on the links below.
PSHE Vocabulary Checklist