Please use the slides to access the children’s work during their isolation period.
Links are included for Google Classroom where all activities can be found. Work will be set on the morning of each day and will be introduced by the class teacher each morning at 9:30 via ZOOM.
Zoom links will be included on the slide each day and via Class Dojo.
Any problems please contact teacher via Class Dojo.
Thank you.
Mrs Sibbald and Mrs Mizen
Monday 1st March
This is our last week of home learning this week and all the work links to World Book Week! We have lots of exciting things for you to do so I hope you send us lots of photographs to show us what you have been up to! Enjoy the tasks and we will see you next week!
We can’t wait!
Mrs S, Mrs M, Mrs S and Mr F
Monday 22nd February
Welcome back to our Home Learning page! I hope you have had a wonderful break and have had a chance to relax and unwind.
This week will have a HORRIBLE HISTORY theme and should ease you back into working from home. There are some exciting things to do so have fun and enjoy!
Mrs S.
Monday 8th February
Good morning year 4! I can’t believe this is our last week of home learning before our half term holiday!
You have all been working so hard, we are amazed at the amount of effort you are putting into all of your work! This week, we are going to be:
- looking at the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes
- writing our very own adventure story based on MISSION POSSIBLE
- looking at how a volcano is formed
- learning about how to be safe online
- watching a live discussion with MICHAEL MORPURGO
- creating some valentines cards for our nearest and dearest
Keep working hard and we will see you all very soon.
Mrs S, Mrs M, Mrs S and MR F.
Monday 1st February
Welcome back to our Home Learning, Year 4! Last week you really impressed us with all of your hard work!
We successfully scored more points than Year 5 on TTRS- year 5 were not very happy so they have requested a re-match! I know we will win again so keep up the brilliant work!
This week we will be completing some more activities in our MISSION POSSIBLE booklet and will be looking at MEASUREMENT in maths.
Remember to try and complete the tasks to the best of your ability and send us any photos through dojo! There will be some videos for you to watch that will help you complete the tasks.
Mrs S, Mrs M, Mrs S and Mr F!
Monday 25th January
Bonjour! Welcome back to a wonderful week of home learning. We were very impressed with all of the hard work you were doing last week and hope you continue to WOW us with your magnificent maths, tremendous time tables, remarkable reading and wonderful writing!
This week we will be working from the MISSION POSSIBLE booklet to learn about writing adventure stories and will be applying our understanding of times tables to complete some interesting problems.
Remember to try and complete the tasks to the best of your ability and send us any photos through dojo!
Mrs S
Monday 18th January
Hello year 4! Welcome to week 3 of our Home Learning. I am very impressed with the work you have completed this week. You are all working incredibly hard, I am so proud of you all! It has been lovely to see photographs and videos on Dojo so please continue to send them in: it brings a smile to my face!
Remember there are tasks to complete each day. Please try and complete the activities in order as some things you won’t be able to access until a certain day. Complete them to the best of your ability and really try your hardest. Some days there will be work set online (IXL , TTRS, Mathletics, Reading Plus etc.) and other days work should be completed in your work books and sent into school via a photograph on Class Dojo. I have included a range of videos for you to watch that will support you in your learning.
I am looking forward to seeing what amazing work you produce for me this week!
Mrs S
Monday 11th January
Good morning Year 4. Hope you are all excited and ready to complete some wonderful work for our second week of home learning.
This week we are going to be delving further into the book ‘Leon and the Place Between’ and will be using our times tables knowledge to solve division and multiplication problems. Remember to complete the activities to the best of your ability and follow the tasks day by day. Some days there will work set online (IXL , TTRS, Mathletics, Reading Plus etc.) and other days work should be completed in your work books and sent into school via a photograph on Class Dojo. I have included a range of videos for you to watch that will support you in your learning.
Take care and I will hopefully see you all very soon.
Mrs S.
Tuesday 4th January 2021
Good Morning Everyone.
Well, we are back in this very strange situation of home learning. The next week we will be focussed on learning about Egypt and it’s culture. once you have completed your tasks i will look at them and send you some feedback. Please remember to get an adult to contact me on Class Dojo if you have any difficulties with your work, or with logging on to Purple Mash etc.
Good luck and Stay Safe!
Monday 13th July
We have reached the end of our time in year 4! It has absolutely flown by! It was lovely seeing all of your gorgeous faces at our transition event and we are all looking forward to seeing you again in September. This is our last week of home learning and it is a little different to usual.
This week we are going to have a sport themed week as well as our usual fun activities. There are two slide shows for you to work on. Don’t worry if you don’t manage everything as you have plenty of time over the holidays to catch up if you need to!
Monday 6th July
Oh my goodness- it’s July already! I can’t believe we are approaching the end of the summer term. It won’t be long until you are joining year 5!
Here are this weeks tasks: Enjoy!!
Monday 29th June
Hi Year 4! Hope everyone is fit and well and are looking forward to another week of home learning. Read through the slides and complete the tasks!
Monday 22nd June
Hello again Year 4 and welcome to another week of fun learning. Take your time to read through the slides and complete the tasks in the best way that suits you . Enjoy !
Monday 15th June
Good morning Year 4- Hope you are well and are looking forward to completing the wonderful work we have planned for you this week. Take your time to read through the slides and complete the tasks in the best way that suits you. Enjoy!
Morning Year 4. Hope you had a lovely weekend.
As there are some children returning to school this week, we have made some changes to the way you will see your home learning. Below is a slide show of your work for the week. Simply go through the slide show to see what you should be doing each day. This is still flexible and you can work in a way to best suit you! The slideshow is a guide but don’t worry if you do different tasks on different day. IXL and purple mash activities still accessible as normal. Have fun and enjoy your week.
I hope you and your family are well. It’s a very surreal time for us all at the moment. If you are a little anxious about the coronavirus this online course might be worth checking out. It is suitable for children aged 7-12 years and has been shared with us from our Healthy Minds Team.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Riches
Please expectations and links to home learning below.
Reading |
English | Maths | Times tables |
Curriculum |
Read at least one of their
reading books at home and answer simple questions or if they are on longer texts 4 chapters each day or one unit of reading plus daily |
Children will be expected to work on one section of spag.com each day |
Children will be expected to complete one unit of Mathletics each day |
TT rockstars can be completed each day. |
There will be a curriculum linked activity on the school website each day. It might be watching a simple video or completing a short activity through Purple mash.com in the 2 do section. |
Friday 5th June
Hello everyone and welcome to FANTASTICALLY FUN FRIDAY!!! Well done to everyone who read a book yesterday in a strange place and completed yesterday’s tasks. You have worked very hard this week- make sure you give yourself a pat on the back!
Joke of the day: Today’s task are as follows: Maths: IXL: today we are continuing with addition but looking at bigger numbers: have a go at adding the numbers- you may need a paper and pencil to help you work out the answers. TTRS: 20 minutes: Can you beat your best score? Can you beat my score? 38 English: IXL: complete the activity set out for you in the recommended section WE HAVE NEARLY REACHED OUR TARGET OF ANSWERING 20,000 questions on IXL! We only have 638 to go! Can we reach our goal by the end of today? LET’S TRY REALLY HARD! ALL WE NEED IS SOME TEAMWORK! Keep trying really hard! We love seeing all the progress you are making! Mrs S Today we are going to continue with our DT project. Lesson 2 Now that you have collected some junk/materials from around the house, we want you to spend some time just thinking! We want you to gather as much junk/materials as you can and spread them out on a table. Have a little think about what you could make with the materials you have. You don’t have to draw or write anything down, today is just time to have a little think about what you COULD make. Here are some things to think about. Could you make these out of toilet rolls or kitchen rolls? Could you cut up the cardboard from a cereal box to make these different shapes needed for this ride?
Could you cut up an egg carton to make seats for a ride? Have fun ! Mrs Calder
Thursday 4th June Good morning year 4!! Hope you are well and are looking forward to your learning for today! Joke of the day: Today’s tasks are as follows: Maths: mathletics: Today we are looking at missing number puzzles- you might need a pen and paper to help you solve the calculations. TTRS: 30 minutes English: Spag.com: complete the test and see how well you get on. Reading: read your favourite book in an unusual place and send us a photograph! Who can find the strangest location? Here are some of mine!! Good luck year 4! Have fun! Mrs S
Hello again year 4 and happy Thursday. Today we are going to continue with our science work. What is reflection? Our objective today will be: To understand that light can be reflected from different materials. When light from an object is reflected by a surface, it changes direction. It bounces off the surface at the same angle as it hits it. Smooth, shiny surfaces such as mirrors and polished metals reflect light well. Dull and dark surfaces such as dark fabrics do not reflect light well. Follow the bbc bitesize website link to find out more about reflection and then complete the purple mash activity ‘Reflection and Surfaces’. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbssgk7/articles/zqdxb82 https://www.bbc.com/education/clips/ztcg9j6 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbssgk7/articles/zqdxb82 Purple Mash writing project – reflection and surfaces https://www.purplemash.com/#tab/pm-home/science/light_and_dark Enjoy! Mrs Calder Wednesday 3rd June Hello Year 4!! Hope you are all safe and well and are enjoying the wonderful weather we are having! Joke of the day: Workout Wednesday Challenge: Create a mini-workout routine for your family and get fit together! Here are your tasks for today, give them a go and try your best! Remember we are so proud of all the hard work you are doing and we look forward to seeing all the wonderful work you do. Maths: IXL: look at the tasks recommended by the teacher and complete addition questions. You may need some paper and pens to help you work out the answers. English: IXL: Complete today’s tasks and enjoy! READING PLUS: 30 minutes Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Mrs S Hello Year 4 and welcome to Wednesday. Today we are thinking about rules that are set by different religions. Look at this video on Purple Mash about rules in Islam, then see if you can create some rules of your own by completing the activity at the end. https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pup/rules Have Fun! Mrs Calder Tuesday 2nd June Good morning Year 4! Welcome to TERRIFIC TUESDAY! It was lovely to see so many of you working hard on IXL yesterday. If you didn’t manage to have a go, why not logon today and catch up on anything you missed. Joke of the day: Today’s activities are as follows: Maths: Purple mash= sequence snake game- how long can you get the snake? Mathletics – adding colossal columns- practise adding using column addition- you may need to get a piece of paper and a pencil to work out the answers English: Reading plus: 30 minutes Purple mash– summer 1- week 2 –LSCWC- practice the spellings- then, when you are confident, complete the quiz. How well can you do? spelling quiz ‘ly suffixes’ EXTRA CHALLENGE: Can you put the words into sentences? Good luck! Enjoy! Mrs S Good morning Year 4 and welcome to Tuesday . Today we are going to be creative in our learning. For DT over the next couple of weeks, we would like you to create something very special. We would like you to design Here are some examples: . .Your task today before you even begin to think about your model, is to do some research. Work with an adult to Have fun ! Mrs Calder Monday 1st June Hello Year 4! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday and are well rested after spending lots of time with your fabulous loved ones. I hope you are all well and are looking forward to completing our online activities. I can’t believe it is June already! Isn’t time flying? Joke of the day: Maths: IXL: We are going to start the week recapping addition. Log on to IXL and complete the tasks in the recommended section. You might need a pencil and paper to help you with the working out. TTRS: Practise your times tables for 20 minutes. Can you beat your best score? Mathletics: Log-on to mathletics and check to see if you have any tasks not completed yet English: IXL: Today we are looking at a prepositions. Complete the task set in the recommendation section. REMEMBER: . A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside If you would like extra information about prepositions watch this video to help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV5xwP5E9qU Keep up your amazing work Year 4, I can’t wait to see how you get on. Mrs S. Hello Year 4 and welcome to Jolly June . I thought this half term we would start our new science topic so todays lesson is an introduction to ‘light’. What is light? Today’s objective is to understand the difference between light and dark. Before you start todays task make a list of all of the things you already know about light and dark. What would you like to know? Light sources: A source of light makes light. The Sun and other stars, fires, torches and lamps all make their own light and so
Explore the bbc bitesize website to find out about light what it is and https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbssgk7/articles/z2s4xfr When you have completed your research visit purple mash and complete the activity ‘Sources of Light’. https://www.purplemash.com/#tab/pm-home/science/light_and_dark What is dark? Can you write a sentence to answer this question? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zg6r82p Have fun ! Mrs Calder Friday 22nd May IT’S FRIDAY! WOO HOO! Joke of the day: This is the final push before we enjoy our half term break, year 4- try your very best to complete the tasks. ENGLISH: IXL: Complete the given task- the work will be looking at full sentences or parts of sentences, remember to read each one very carefully and decide whether it is a complete sentence or not. READING PLUS: 30 minutes MATHS: IXL: We are looking at addition of 3-digit numbers today- you may need a paper and pencil to help you work out the answers, use column addition, we have done lots of this in class so should just be a recap for you. REMEMBER TO DO SOME BAKING THIS WEEK- SHARE YOUR PICTURES SO I CAN SEE YOUR DELICIOUS CREATIONS!
Hello and Happy Friday Year 4 ! Today we want you to ‘brighten’ the place up a little! Use colour to do something kind and make people happy. You could :
Get creative! Let us know how you get on by sending any pictures to the Facebook page. Have fun! Mrs Calder
Thursday 21st May Hello Year 4- Hope you are keeping well. Not long now until we have a weeks holiday and a well earned rest!
Joke of the day: Our tasks are a little bit different today- give them a go and have some fun! Maths: Mathletics: look at kilograms and grams- can you convert them? Remember 1000g = 1kg FUN MATHS: This week I would like you to do some practical maths in the house with your family. Why not bake a cake, make a pie or follow a tasty recipe- pretend you are a chef and follow the recipe and weigh out the ingredients! Send us some pictures so we can see some of your amazing treats!!! Here are some ideas of the things you could create: chocolate muffins sausage rolls sponge cake chicken pie home made pizza Once you have made your treats why not pretend you are at a posh restaurant or little cafe and get dressed up in smart clothes. Be imaginative! English: Purple Mash:once you have made your delicious treats I would like you to write up the recipe in purple mash. You could upload your own photos to show the instructions or draw pictures to go with each step. Remember to include the following:
Reading: read a range of recipes and decide which one is the best for you to make. YOU HAVE OVER A WEEK TO DO THIS SO PLEASE DON”T WORRY ABOUT DOING IT STRAIGHT AWAY! Hope you enjoy your fun activity with your family. Mrs S Good morning Year 4 and welcome to Thursday! How did you do with yesterdays art activity? I am sure very well so today we are going to try another bit of ‘animal art’ ! Animal Silhouette and Patterns: A silhouette is the black shape of an object. We can also say, shadow. Today you are going to use animal silhouettes and patterns to make an animal themed piece of artwork. Firstly, I would like you to think about your favourite animal. Think about its skin or fur in terms of pattern and texture. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Can you think of any words to describe it i.e. furry, spiky, slimy, fuzzy, sharp etc.? What colour is the skin or fur of your animal? Look at the animals below and see if you can describe their skin, fur or feathers. When you have chosen your creature, using black paper and a pencil, trace, draw the outline of your chosen animal, carefully including part of its body that helps identify it. Next, carefully cut the outline of your animal out of the black paper and put it to one side. If you can’t find any black paper you could always use white and then colour your animal shape in black with a black pencil or pen.
Next, using white paper, lightly draw the pattern of your animal’s skin or fur all across the page. Using your coloured pencils or oil pastels, fill in the colours inside your pattern. As you do this consider what texture might feel like and how you can convey that in your line quality. If your texture is fuzzy, use short soft strokes. If your texture is spiky, use long specific strokes. If your skin is bumpy like an octopus’ example, we left white areas around the suckers to show the suckers above the skin. When you have finished your skin/fur background you will then need to stick your black animal silhouette into the centre of your page……. hey presto you’ve created a piece of Animal Art! These are some my year 6 students created a few years ago …… can you do better? Have fun! Mrs Calder Wednesday 20th May
Joke of the day: Good morning year 4, hope you are well and raring to go on today’s tasks: Please complete the following- remember to try your best and do what you can! We are very impressed with all your hard work! Maths: IXL: today we are looking at measurement, in particular length: log on to IXL and look at the teacher recommended section in measurement Look at these conversions to help you: 10mm = 1 cm 100 cm = 1 metre 1000 m = 1 km English: IXL: Today we are looking at contractions. Complete the activities set for you. To remind you of how to contract words, look at the website below, it will help you if you need it! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zcyv4qt KEEP CHECKING THE WEBSITE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AS THERE WILL BE A LITTLE MESSAGE FOR YOU!! Keep safe Mrs S Hello Year 4 and welcome to Wednesday! Fish Art As part of our animal-themed week we are going to be making a piece of fish art- where the fish can open and close his mouth! You will need: -paper -coloured pens/pencils -pencil Here is the link to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk8DyJVe8fk There are step by step instructions below if you are unable to watch the link. Have a think, once you have made your fish art, could you do it with any other animals?
Fold your paper into thirds. Draw the outline of the fish with a pencil. Open up, and draw the inside pattern and teeth. Open it up and go over pencil markings in darker pencil or pen Colour it in. Open and close the picture to show the fish opening and closing its mouth! Send over your finished pictures to the school FB page. Enjoy! Mrs Calder Tuesday 19th May Good morning Year 4! It’s TREMENDOUS TUESDAY! Hope you are well and are looking forward to the wonderful tasks I have set for you today! Joke of the day: Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ice cream. Ice cream who? Ice cream if you don’t let me in! Today’s task are as follows. ENJOY: English: Purple Mash: Create your own book! I would like you to use everything you have learnt this year to write me the most amazing story you can think of! You can base it on a story we have looked at in class or create your own creation that is completely your idea! It has been a while since I have read a really good book so I am relying on you to keep me entertained! Don’t worry about finishing it all in one day, if it takes you a while that is fine, but please don’t rush. I would love my socks to be blown off. Good luck- I can’t wit to read what you come up with. Maths: Mathletics: Complete the activities that have been assigned for you. Today we are concentrating on length, perimeter and area. REMEMBER: to find the PERIMETER you add the lengths of each side together : to find the AREA you multiply the length by the width (this is measured in m2/cm2) If you need any support to find the area/perimeter there are some fun games on the website: https://www.splashlearn.com/area-and-perimeter-games which you can use to help you. TTRS: 20 minutes; GIRLS are winning our battle! Keep going you have a few days left to compete! Keep up the good work year 4. We are all very proud of the work you are producing- well done! Mrs S Happy Tuesday Year 4 ! This week we are going to base our topic learning around animals and today we are starting with science. Science – food chains A little bit of science today on food chains. Watch these 2 short videos to learn all about food chains…… https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbnnb9q/articles/zwbtxsg https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zws87hv Then see if you can create food chains of your own using the following links…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbnnb9q/articles/z93vdxs Food chain challenge savannah https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbnnb9q/articles/zcgbjty Food chain challenge tundra https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbnnb9q/articles/zsphrwx Food chain challenge woodland Good luck!! Mrs Calder
Monday 18th May Hello Year 4, it’s MAD MONDAY! Hope you are all keeping well and have enjoyed your weekend. Joke of the day: Here are today’s tasks- enjoy and try your hardest to complete them! Maths:IXL: complete the task in the teacher recommended section- we are looking at measurement this week. Why don’t you practise measuring things around the house using a ruler or try weighing out ingredients for making cakes/biscuits TTRS: 20 minutes English: IXL: complete the task in the teacher recommended section Reading PLus: 30 minutes Keep up the good work Mrs S Good morning Year 4 and welcome to another week! This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and in light of the current situation, it is even more important than usual to raise awareness. Kindness has been chosen as this year’s theme because “Kindness strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens solidarity. It is a cornerstone of our individual and collective mental health. Wisdom from every culture across history recognises that kindness is something that all human beings need to experience and practise to be fully alive.” We have decided to try and take part in an act of kindness each day this week and want you to join in. It may be an act of kindness towards a friend, family member, a stranger or even yourself! Why not do something kind and make someone laugh today? It has been proven that having a laugh is super for your mental health and wellbeing! It reduces stress and released ‘feel-good’ chemicals. So, we want to you think of your best jokes to make people laugh. Any great ones you can think of, send us a video of you telling them or write them down and we will share them on the Facebook page. Before you start… here’s something to make you laugh! Have fun! Mrs Calder
Friday 15th May Good morning you lovely bunch! How many of you watched a movie yesterday? I did, I watched Jurassic Park! I love that film. My favourite part was when the T-Rex ate the man on the toilet! Brilliant! Hope you had some relaxation time too. It’s important to relax and unwind! Joke of the day: It’s FRIDAY so let’s have one final push and work exceptionally hard on today’s tasks so we can have a well earned rest over the weekend! Today’s tasks: English: IXL: Complete the task assigned in the teacher recommendation section Reading PLus: 30 minutes Maths: IXL: Recapping subtraction: How good is your taking away? Complete the tasks and see if you can get 100! TTRockstars: 20 minutes: GIRLS ARE WINNING THE BATTLE! COME ON BOYS!! Keep safe year 4 and we will all see you soon! , , and Happy Friday from Mrs Calder Topic challenge for today….. Can you create a portrait of yourself using natural materials you gather from your garden or near your house. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Have fun and keep safe ! Mrs Calder Thursday 14th May Hello everyone, it’s THRILLING THURSDAY! Joke of the day: Today’s Tasks: Maths: Purple Mash- Using the information you looked at yesterday can you complete the quiz about 2D and 3D shapes? TTRS: Continue our Girls vs Boys battle- so far it’s the GIRLS who are winning!! English: Reading: Read for 30 minutes and write down 5 questions for a parent/sibling to answer. IXL: catch up with any IXL English activities that you have not completed yet
******Please see the attached link to access school reading scheme as E-Books:***** https://oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page
CHILL OUT THURSDAY: Why don’t you have a movie day today? Enjoy watching an old classic like The Wizard of Oz or something more modern like Toy Story? Spend a little bit of time chilling out and enjoying each other’s company!
Hello Year 4 …… what a fabulous idea of Mrs Sibbald to chill and watch an old movie….. I think I will definitely do that tomorrow! Today is the our final day of geography today and you’re off all around the World! Can you learn the continents song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6DSMZ8b3LE It’s catchy – you may be singing it all day! Finally, complete the Purple Mash labelling activity to show us what you know! https://www.purplemash.com/#app/diyjs/world_continents_labelling Have fun! Mrs Calder
Wednesday 13th May Good morning, year 4!! Joke of the day: We’ve reached the middle of the week and I have some super work for you to complete today. Try your best! English: IXL: complete the tasks set in the ‘teacher recommended’ section-How many can you get correct? Maths: IXL- task is looking at 3D shapes- watch the clip to help remind you of what a 3D shape is and then try and complete the questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=3-QwWFkz5hw TTRS: BOYS vs GIRLS- so far there is no winner- it’s anyone’s game!!! Keep working hard, Mrs S Hello Year 4 and welcome to Wednesday! Today we are going even further away – all the way around Europe! Have a look at this website first to learn about Europe (or any other website you can find!) https://www.ducksters.com/geography/europe.php Then, show us what you have learnt by completing this activity on Purple Mash https://www.purplemash.com/#app/diyjs/europe_countries_labelling Enjoy your trip around Europe! Have fun and keep safe ! Mrs Calder
Tuesday 12th May Welcome to TREMENDOUS TUESDAY!!! Hope you are well year 4 and enjoyed your activities yesterday. Joke of the day: Tuesday’s Tasks: Maths: mathletics: practise your maths skills- can you beat your highest score? TTRS: There is a new battle between girls and boys! Who will win? LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE!! English: Purple Mash: I would like you to write a character profile for an alien that has just landed on your door step- remember to use the ‘THINK ABOUT BOX’ to help you decide what information to include. Reading Plus: 30 minutes- Can you go up a level? or read your own book for 30 minutes and tell your parent 5 interesting facts you have learnt.
Keep working hard year 4. I am so proud of all of your hard work and dedication! Here’s a pat on the back from me to you! Mrs S Hello again Year 4 and well done on all of your hard work! We’re going a bit further away today – all around the United Kingdom! Have a look at this video of the United Kingdom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ijU-zCaj4 then go onto Purple Mash to label countries and capital cities https://www.purplemash.com/#app/diyjs/uk_countries_labelling Labelling countries in UK and https://www.purplemash.com/#app/diyjs/britishisles_capitalcities_labelling_new Labelling capital cities in UK. Which city would you like to visit? Have fun! Mrs Calder
Monday 11th May Hello everyone! Hope you are well and are looking forward to a new week of exciting home learning! Joke of the day: Q: What gets wetter the more it dries? A: A towel. Here are today’s tasks- give them a go and see how you get on! You are doing magnificently so far!! Keep up the good work! English: IXL: task is about synonyms today- Can you find the word that means the same/similar to a given word? i.e. close is a synonym for shut and sad is a synonym for unhappy. Reading Plus: 30 minutes Maths: IXL: Properties of shapes- recap what we know about 2D shapes. TTRS or mathletics: 20 minutes Keep working hard year 4, Stay safe and we’ll see you soon. Mrs S Hello Year 4 and welcome to another week! This week we are going to continue with geography and today we are off on a virtual trip to Newcastle! Watch this video of the local area – do you spot anywhere you recognise? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwCw_dylTJw Now sign into Purple Mash and complete the postcard as though you are a visitor in Newcastle. https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pup/allaboutnewcastle Or, you could create your own paper postcard and send us a photo via Messenger! Have a fun day and enjoy your trip ! Mrs Calder
Thursday 7th May Good morning everyone! It’s THRILLING THURSDAY!
Joke of the day: Q: What did one toilet say to the other? Here are the tasks for today- hope you are raring to go and looking forward to improving your times tables! English: log on to purple mash and complete the task about subordinating conjunctions- if you want a challenge, try and complete the ‘Rainy Day’ activity. Think carefully about which conjunctions make sense in the sentence. Reading plus: 30 minutes Maths: go onto mathletics- I have set a series of tasks that reflect your hard work so far- give them a go! Purple Mash- Go onto the times table monster and see how many rewards you can achieve through answering a range of questions. If you are looking for more fantastic jobs you can always go on TTRS or IXL- the more you practise the better you will become! Keep up the fantastic work, Year 4- we are all incredibly proud of you! See you soon- KEEP SAFE! Mrs S
Good morning Year 4 and welcome to Thursday. Today we have some recipe ideas for your V.E.Day party! Carrot Cake During WWII, sugar was rationed to 8 oz (ounces) a week – that’s 225g (grams), the equivalent of just 15 tablespoons! Carrots were used as a replacement for sugar in many cake and biscuit recipes. Ingredients: 8 oz (225 g) self-raising flour 3 oz (90 g) margarine 3 oz (90 g) sugar 4 oz (110 g) finely grated carrot 2 oz (60 g) sultanas a little milk or water A reconstituted egg, or fresh egg if available Method:
Oaty Biscuits Ingredients: (Makes 20 biscuits) 4 oz (110 g) margarine or butter 3 oz (90 g) sugar 7 oz (200 g) rolled oats 5 oz (150 g) flour 1 tsp (teaspoon) baking powder a pinch of salt a little milk 1 reconstituted egg, or fresh egg if available Method:
2. Cream the margarine or butter with the sugar.
Fresh Lemonade Ingredients: 5 lemons 160 grams sugar 1 . 2 litres water Method:
2. Sprinkle the sugar over the lemon rinds and leave for one hour.
Enjoy your weekend but don’t forget to stay safe!
Mrs Calder
Wednesday 6th May Hello year 4! It’s WONDERFULLY WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!! I changed my memoji! Do you like it? Joke of the day: Q. What do you call 500 penguins in the middle of Hedworthfield School field? A. LOST!! Hope everyone is staying happy and safe! Here are today’s tasks- have a go and try your best, that is all I ask!! GOOD NEWS!!! You have smashed your IXL target- currently you have spent 41 hours practising your skills and have answered 8600 questions- you are all brilliant- keep going! Can we reach 10,000 questions by the end of the week?? English: IXL- complete the assigned task Reading PLus: 30 minutes Maths: IXL – complete the assigned task Hit the button- choose your least favourite times table and practise and practise- can you beat your best score? Can you beat your mam/dad/sibling/carer- have a family challenge and see how well you can all do! Keep smiling, Mrs S Hello Year 4 it’s Wonderful Wednesday and halfway through another week of home learning. Today we are going to be detectives and solve a Morse Code Challenge! On Tuesday 8th May, 1945, millions of people rejoiced in the news that Germany had surrendered. In towns and cities across the world, people marked the victory with street parties, dancing and singing. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at that time, gave a rousing speech to the nation. Your challenge is to use the morse code chart below to decipher part of Churchill’s famous speech! (TIP: look carefully for the spaces that indicate the end of one letter and the start of another.) A .- B -… C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G –. H …. I .. J .— K -.- L .-.. M — N -. O — P .–. Q –.- R .-. S … T – U ..- V …- W .– X -..- Y -.– Z –.. . .-.-.- , –..– ! ..–. – = Dash . = Dot Space = Letter separator / = Word separator You can listen to the speech at https://winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1941-1945-war-leader/to-v-e-crowds/
–. — -.. / -… .-.. . … … / -.– — ..- / .- .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / – …. .. … / .. … / -.– — ..- .-. / …- .. -.-. – — .-. -.– ..–. / .. – / .. … / – …. . / …- .. -.-. – — .-. -.– / — ..-. / – …. . / -.-. .- ..- … . / — ..-. / ..-. .-. . . -.. — — / .. -. / . …- . .-. -.– / .-.. .- -. -.. .-.-.- / .. -. / .- .-.. .-.. / — ..- .-. / .-.. — -. –. / …. .. … – — .-. -.– / .– . / …. .- …- . / -. . …- . .-. / … . . -. / .- / –. .-. . .- – . .-. / -.. .- -.– / – …. .- -. / – …. .. … .-.-.- / . …- . .-. -.– — -. . –..– / — .- -. / — .-. / .– — — .- -. –..– / …. .- … / -.. — -. . / – …. . .. .-. / -… . … – .-.-.- / . …- . .-. -.– — -. . / …. .- … / – .-. .. . -.. .-.-.- / -. . .. – …. . .-. / – …. . / .-.. — -. –. / -.– . .- .-. … –..– / -. — .-. / – …. . / -.. .- -. –. . .-. … –..– / -. — .-. / – …. . / ..-. .. . .-. -.-. . / .- – – .- -.-. -.- … / — ..-. / – …. . / . -. . — -.– –..– / …. .- …- . / .. -. / .- -. -.– / .– .- -.– / .– . .- -.- . -. . -.. / – …. . / .. -. -.. . .–. . -. -.. . -. – / .-. . … — .-.. …- . / — ..-. / – …. . / -… .-. .. – .. … …. / -. .- – .. — -. .-.-.- / –. — -.. / -… .-.. . … … / -.– — ..- / .- .-.. .-.. .-.-.-
Did you successfully use morse code to decipher this part of Churchill’s VE day speech? This is the actual speech: God bless you all. This is your victory! It is the victory of the cause of freedom in every land. In all our long history we have never seen a greater day than this. Everyone, man or woman, has done their best. Everyone has tried. Neither the long years, nor the dangers, nor the fierce attacks of the enemy, have in any way weakened the independent resolve of the British nation. God bless you all. Good Luck Mrs Calder
Tuesday 5th May It’s TREMENDOUS TUESDAY!!! Riddle of the day:
Jolly good morning to you all year 4! Hope you are looking forward to your Tuesday Tasks!! Maths: mathletics: try the assigned task- or challenge yourself to beat your score at a different task you have completed TTRockstars: 20 minutes English: spag.com– have a go at the grammar test- have a look at the answers when you are finished and check where you went wrong ReadingPlus: 30 minutes Happy learning year 4, Mrs S Good Morning Year 4 and welcome to Tuesday ! As Friday 8th of May is the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Mrs Watson, Miss Tait and I decided we would include some fun activities to your home learning this week. Today we would like you to design a V.E. Day Medal ! This medal celebrated the end of the First World War and was given to soldiers who fought in the war. It was a symbol of great pride but its design was also highly symbolic. Your task We would like you to design your own medal to mark the end of the Second World War that is just as symbolic and creative. Your medal can be any shape or size but after you have designed your medal, annotate it to explain why you have chosen your design. If you decide to make a real medal, you could write a few notes on a separate piece of paper. Possible things to research before you start:
We really look forward to seeing your designs. Please send them over to the Hedworthfield Facebook page so we can share them on the page. Enjoy! Mrs Calder
Monday 4th May It’s MIRACULOUS MONDAY!!!! Joke of the day: Q: What does a triceratops sit on? A: Its tricera-bottom. Welcome to a new week of home learning, Year 4. I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and a revived and ready for another week of exciting activities. Give the tasks a go and see how well you can do- as a team we have answered over 4103 questions on IXL and have practised our maths/English skills for over 21 hours! THAT IS AMAZING!!! Let’s see how long it takes us to reach 5000 questions!! Today’s Tasks: Maths: IXL; complete the assigned tasks- (DIVISION) remember you can practise any of the skills you want- check to see if there is anything you fancy trying TTRockstars: 20 minutes English: IXL: complete the task assigned- (CONJUNCTIONS) Reading PLus: 30 minutes Keep working hard year 4 FOR YOUR INFORMATION: There is a range of free books available on Oxford Owl in case you want to do some extra reading (or you have finished your school reading books) Mrs S Good Morning Year 4 and welcome to Monday and another fun week of learning from home. Day 1 This week we are going to be doing a little bit of geography. Today we are going to start close to home with creating a map…… of your house! Follow these instructions https://www.education.com/download-pdf/activity/115808/ and let us know how you get on. We love to see photos of your work so please send them to our Facebook page via Messenger if you can. Here is an example of what your map might look like: Have fun today and keep safe! Mrs Calder
Friday 1st May The weekend is so close I can almost touch it!!! Joke of the day: Q: Knock, knock Well done to everyone who is working super hard at home during these rather strange times. I hope everyone is still enjoying spending time with their loved ones. Here are today’s tasks, give them a go- see how much you can complete: Maths: https://uk.ixl.com/ – complete the assigned task TTRockStars: 15 minutes- beat your highest score English: https://uk.ixl.com/ – complete the assigned task Reading plus: 30 minutes Keep safe everyone and I’ll speak to you next week! Mrs S Happy Friday from Mrs Calder too ! How about a creative Friday? 5 – Digestive System 2 Now that you know the parts of the body included in the digestive system, we want you to focus on the function of those body parts. We want you to explain to us how they work. Do some further research with your adult at home and see if you can do a mini project to explain to us how the digestive system works. You could:
Here are some ideas:
Remember to share any of your learning with us on the Facebook page! Have a happy weekend everyone ! Mrs Calder Thursday 30th April Howdy hi everyone! It’s Fabulous Thursday! Well done to everyone who tried their IXL tasks yesterday- you are showing some super understanding of our topics- keep working hard! If you have not practised IXL yet then why not have a go and see how wonderful you are! Joke of the day: Q: Knock, knock—-Who’s There?—-Who—-Who Who? Today’s task! Let’s have a little creativity today year 4- I have been making bookmarks at home- why don’t you give it a try and we can compare then when we return to school? English: Purple Mash- can you retell the story of Hansel and Gretel? Could you change the ending to make it more scary? Once you have finished, read it to someone in your family. What do they like about it? Maths: Mathletics: division/multiplication facts Hit the button: choose a times table and practise it- Can you beat your highest score? Take care year 4- we are all missing you a lot and can’t wait until we see you back at our lovely school!! Mrs S
Good morning Year 4 and welcome to Thursday! Today we are continuing with our learning of science: 4 – Digestive System 1 Now that we have learned all about healthy eating and the different food groups, we will now look at what happens to the food once it is in our body. This is called the digestive system. Look at the following links with your adults at home to help you to learn about what the digestive system is and how it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3E1txcKPe8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKpYv9sXBSE https://www.ducksters.com/science/digestive_system.php https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/science/general-science/your-digestive-system/ Purple Mash – now that you have learned a bit about the digestive system, see if you can label the body parts on the activity ‘digestive system’. We will check to see how you get on! Good luck. Mrs Calder Wednesday 29th April Joke of the day:
Hello everyone! Hope you are feeling wide awake and raring to go with today’s tasks: English: IXL: complete the tasks relating to word classes (verbs/adjectives/adverbs) Maths: IXL: try the tasks involving division Keep trying hard year 4, remember I love to see how well you are doing in all the activities we set for you! It is the highlight of my day reading your work! Other links to enjoy David Walliams storytime – https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ Cosmic Kids Yoga Draw with Rob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhyCxVPb1qU
Good morning Year 4 . Your science task for today is below, but first, why not try a little activity this morning. It’s “World Wish Day” today- so here is something you can do. Wish Jar As tricky as it is at the moment, it is important to remember that it is only temporary (won’t last forever). Why not make a ‘wish jar’ and plan in all the lovely things you wish to do once this is all over. You could find a jar and add notes in, write on a piece of paper or even write a letter with all the things you hope to do once it is safe to return to normality. Some things on my list are:
And most importantly…
What would be on your list? Once you have made your list or jar, take a picture and send to the HF Facebook page. Enjoy! We look forward to hearing from you all. Your science task today is to: 3 – Plan a healthy meal Use your knowledge of healthy eating and the different food groups to design a healthy meal. This could be breakfast, lunch or tea. There are lots of ways you could show us your healthy meal. You could:
If you can, label the different foods and which food group they come from. Remember to send us pictures of your healthy meals! Have fun! Mrs Calder
Tuesday 28th April Good morning year 4, it is really good to see a lot more people working on the online activities- you are doing very well- keep up the great work! Joke of the day: A little bit of fun for your activities today: English: purple mash- create your own marvellous medicine- make it as gruesome and disgusting as possible- see if you can make me feel sick! Reading plus: 20 minutes or share a story with a family member- Can you read your book in an unusual place? Send us your photographs! Strangest places may appear on our facebook page! Maths: Mathletics: practising 9x tables Purple mash: Dividers- play the game- How many dividers can you get?
Good morning from me too and welcome to Tuesday’s learning fun! Today we are going to continue with our Science Topic: 2 – Food groups Thinking about yesterday’s learning about healthy or unhealthy food, you will learn about different food groups today. Use these links to support your learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaLvxVnn8Yg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aWqZd9RScQ http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=284&id=1443#3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaCGo6WmKBo Complete the set tasks on Purple Mash to show me what you have learned about different food groups.
Good luck with these tasks- I will check to see how you get on! Mrs Calder
Monday 27th April Happy Monday everyone! Hope you have had a great weekend and are ready for some home-learning today. Joke of the day: Q. What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses? English: IXL: Try completing the task assigned Reading Plus: 30 minutes Maths: IXL: Try completing the task assigned TTRockStars: 20 minutes Keep working hard year 4, you are impressing me with you determination to do your best! Mrs S
Good Morning Year 4 and welcome to Monday and a new and exciting week of home learning. This week our topic work will all be linked to Science. 1 – Healthy or unhealthy Today we are learning about healthy and unhealthy food. Look at the following links to help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNr1vPtIuH8 https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/food-facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnfTHsdTodA Task – create a list of everything you eat today and sort the food into healthy and unhealthy! Enjoy Mrs Calder
Friday 24th April Good morning year 4! Its FUNKY FRIDAY! Hope you are well and are trying really hard to complete the online activities we are setting for you. Joke of the day: Today’s task are: ENGLISH: IXL: identifying adjectives (F1, F2, F3) MATHS: IXL: Dividing by 2, 5 and 10 JUST A REMINDER YEAR 4 THAT WE ARE CHECKING WHO IS ACCESSING IXL AND COMPLETING AT LEAST 3 ACTIVITIES A WEEK. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU TRY AND PRACTISE THESE SKILLS OFTEN TO HELP WITH YOUR ENGLISH AND MATHS. PLEASE TRY VERY HARD TO DO THESE FOR ME! THANK YOU! I KNOW YOU ARE ALL WORKING INCREDIBLY HARD! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Mrs S, Mrs C, Mrs A and Mrs S , , and Wow is it Friday already? Well done on all of your hard work this week and welcome to Friday and some creative activities for today. 5 – DT: Egyptian Tombs and Mummies Today’s task is to create your own item from a pharaohs tomb. It can be any of the things you have learnt about and can be made from anything you can find. Before you begin this craft activity you will need to research Egyptian tombs and mummification. The following sites may help you. http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/egypt/mummies.htm http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/egypt/canopic.htm Here are some images to give you ideas: Have fun and don’t forget to share any pictures of your creations ! Missing you all Mrs Calder
Thursday 23rd April It is magnificent Thursday! Good morning everyone- hope you are all well and are enjoying completing the tasks we are setting for you. Joke of the day Q. What is black and white and red all over? A. A zebra with sunburn. Today’s activities are as follows, try your best and enjoy! English: 20 minutes of reading plus Spag.com: fronted adverbials (B) Maths: 20 minutes of TTRockStars Purple Mash: Fractionio’s Pizzeria: can you earn money by creating pizzas to suit the customers preferences? Take care, Mrs S And it’s a very good morning from Mrs C too. Today’s work is continuing with our Egyptian them and today you are going to apply your artistic skills: 4 – Art: Hieroglyphics What were Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs? Follow the story of hieroglyphs and watch the video to help you to complete your name on the in Hieroglyphics. https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/spell-you-name-with-hieroglyphics Ext: Using the Egyptian alphabet see if you can write a secret message. Or try to crack the code following the link below https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zg87xnb/articles/zvw3mfr Please share your pictures/videos with us online so we can see your wonderful work! If you fancy a little something extra to keep you busy why not visit the following website and take part in a music lesson. Music Can you remember when we talked about ‘pitch’ in music? We listened to a video and had to identify which sounds high pitch and which sounds were low pitch? See if you can remind yourselves by doing today’s BBC music lesson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7f72sg Keep happy and keep safe today! Mrs Calder Wednesday 22nd April Bonjour year 4! Big round of a claws for all those children who are putting 100% effort into their online work! I can see you are trying really hard! Keep up the good work!
Joke of the Day: Today’s task are as follows: Maths: mathletics: convert hours to minutes- IXL: convert between 12hr and 24hr clocks English: IXL: identifying verbs Reading Plus: 30 minutes See you soon year 4: Mrs S An it’s a very good morning from me on this lovely sunny Wednesday. Your task for today is linked with English ….. hope you enjoy! 3 – English: Beth and the Nile – Chapter 1 https://www.purplemash.com/#tab/pm-home/topics/ancient_egypt/bethonthenile_sm_free Read chapter 1 of Beth and the Nile and answer the multiple choice questions. If you fancy a challenge, then you might want to print off the PDF further activity sheets for this chapter to complete. More fun tasks tomorrow! Mrs Calder Tuesday 21st April Good morning star shine, Tuesday has begun!! Joke of the Day: Hope everyone is feeling well and are looking forward to today’s tasks: English: purple mash: write a book review recommending it to me! See if you can persuade me to read it! Maths: mathletics: time- work out how much time has passed between the given times- be careful these are tricky!! P.S. Mrs Atthey and Mrs Scott say HELLO!
Hello again Year 4 I hope you enjoyed Monday’s task counting like an Egyptian and are ready for today’s fun activity linked to our Egyptian topic. 2 – History: Tutankhamun Today I would like you to research and find out about the famous Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun and his missing tomb. You may wish to use the following questions to help you in your research:
Create a report about Tutankhamun and try to include any key dates or historical vocabulary. You may wish to include a copy of the Tutankhamun mask you drew from previous task. An alternative to the above would be to complete the Purple Mash activity about Tutankhamun Topic Ancient Egypt Tutankhamun’s tomb https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pup/Tutankhamuns Sites to help with your research: http://www.akhet.co.uk/tutankh.htm http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/egypt/general.htm https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zg87xnb/articles/zr7qy9q/ http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/tut.html Have fun and keep safe! Please share your pictures/videos with us online so we can see your wonderful work! Mrs Calder Monday 20th April Joke of the Day!!! Hello Year 4!!! Hope you have enjoyed your Easter break and that everyone is safe and well! I hope you haven’t eaten too many eggs! Remember we are missing you very much and look forward to returning to school as soon as we are able to. Here are today’s tasks- enjoy! English: IXL- capitalisation- check that sentences are using capital letters correctly Read some of your reading book and ask a parent/sibling to ask you some questions about it or draw your favourite character. Maths: mathletics: time questions- recapping 24 hour time IXL: Time- matching analogue to digital time Good morning Year 4 and welcome back to our home learning page. I hope you have had super safe Easter break and are ready for some fun learning from home. This week we are going to start off with a topic themed week so all of our learning will be Egyptian themed. 1 – Mathematics: Count like an Egyptian Use the information below on Egyptian numbers to practise some of the Maths skills you have learnt this year. The skills include:
Hieroglyphic Numbers The Egyptians had a decimal system using seven different symbols
Your task today is to complete the following using the information given above: The numbers are 7, 16, 51, 54, 61, 82, 99. See if you can draw the equivalent in Egyptian numbers. If you need any further help with the Egyptian number system you could check out the following website which has lots of fun activities: If you’re feeling like another challenge to help you with your learning in history this week you might like to visit the following website and find out how you can become a historian! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6fmxyc Enjoy and have a nice day! Mrs Calder Friday 3rd April It’s the Easter holidays! Yay! We will NOT be setting homework for the 2 weeks off but we would like you to continue reading and using your TTRS accounts. Remember how much we love games like hit the button too, on Topmarks. We wanted to provide you with some examples of Easter activities you may wish to complete over the holidays. Send us any pictures so we can share your marvellous creations. Have a lovely time celebrating Easter with your families and enjoy any Easter eggs! Activity 1- Design and create an Easter egg
Activity 2 – Step by step bunny Why not try drawing an Easter Bunny? Here are a few step-by-step ideas – you can sketch or even colour or paint it when you are done. Remember, send us a picture of your amazing art. Activity 3 – A paper ball bunny Why not try follow a YouTube tutorial to recreate these cute paper bunnies? All you need is:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mb0WpZz2mk If you need more ideas, you could make Easter cards, Easter pictures or even some Easter bonnets! And lastly if you’re feeling really crafty ….. you could try to make the origami gift box and fill with eggs for an extra Easter treat ! Enjoy and stay safe. Mrs Sibbald and Mrs Calder
Friday 3rd April It’s FUNKY FRIDAY! Well done year 4- we have almost completed week 2 of our distance learning- hope you are enjoying your tasks as well as enjoying spending time looking after your loved ones. Today’s joke: Q, Why did the cow cross the road? A. because he wanted to go to the MOOOOOvies! Today’s task are as follows: P.E
Well done year 4, you have impressed me with your commitment- keep up the good work! Mrs S Good morning Year 4 and welcome to your Friday work for curriculum ! Today’s activity is a Topic challenge! Can you draw Tutankhamun? Follow these step by step instructions to help you. We would love to see your pictures so make sure you send them to us so that we can share them with your friends. I am going to have a go at this today so I’ll let you know how I get on!! Keep safe Mrs Calder
Thursday 2nd April Hello everybody! Can’t believe it’s been nearly two weeks since we left school! I hope everyone is well and you are happy and staying safe! I am enjoying waking up every morning to Joe Wick’s P.E sessions on youtube (although my legs are hurting- A LOT) Are any of you taking part? If not you should give it a go! It’s loads of fun- he is even doing a fancy dress session on Friday- I might wear my crayon outfit again (Esteban the Magnificent) Joke of the day: Q: Why didn’t the two 4’s want any dinner? Here are your tasks for today Maths
Well done year 4. Keep up the good work Mrs S
Wednesday 1st April! Good morning year 4! it’s WONDERFUL Wednesday. PLEASE, PLEASE remember you are doing a wonderful job with your home learning. Remember not all tasks need to be completed immediately, take your time. It is fine if you are learning in other ways at home- why don’t you spend this week doing some practical maths? My daughter learnt how to measure today by making a cake- why don’t you try something similar in your house? Or set up your own miniature shop where you practise spending money and giving change. Make your home learning as exciting as possible! Don’t put pressure on yourselves to complete everything we set. Above all, we want you to have fun, be happy and stay safe. Joke of the day: Q. How do you make a tissue dance? A. You put a little boogie in it. Today’s tasks: English:
Keep safe Year 4 Mrs S. Hello again Year 4 and Happy Wednesday to you all. Today’s challenge is related to art and science….. Can you create your own skeleton using whatever you have at home? (Check before you use pasta though, as it has been hard to find in the shops!) Here are a couple of ideas to get you started….. Make sure you take a photograph to send us once you’re done! Keep safe and be happy. Mrs Calder
Tuesday 31st March Well, it’s terrific Tuesday again. Hope everything is going well and you and your family are all staying nice and healthy! Joke of the day: Q: Waiter, this food tastes kind of funny? Here are today’s task (Remember: you have a week to complete your activities- don’t feel like you have to do them straight away!) English
Have a great day, I can’t wait to see all of your hard work! Mrs S. And it’s a hello from Mrs Calder too! Today’s task is linked to our work in ICT: Computing 2code Fun with Fish https://www.purplemash.com/app/code/chimp/codefish Enjoy !!!!
Monday 30th March Good morning Year 4 it is MARVELLOUS MONDAY! Week 2 begins- I hope everyone is fit and healthy and everyone has had a lovely weekend. Joke of the day: Q: David’s father had three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ? Everyone was working really hard last week, let’s see if we can continue the brilliant work. Here are today’s tasks: NEW ADDITION…. We are starting s new online programme this week called IXL- don’t worry if you haven’t received your passwords they will be with you in the post soon. When you get them login to https://uk.ixl.com/ there will be a short English and short maths task for you to complete. I will set 3 per week- so have a go!! English
Have a great day, I can’t wait to see all of your work! Mrs S.
Hello Year 4 and welcome to week 2 of our fun learning from home. Today’s task is an art activity:
Can you create an amazing daffodil? You can draw one, paint one, construct one, collage one…..it’s entirely up to you! Here are a few ideas for inspiration…. Make sure you show us your finished daffodils so that we can share them and brighten everyone’s day! I’m looking forward to seeing your creations Mrs Calder Friday 27th March Good morning sunshine! It is FABULOUS FRIDAY. I hope everyone is keeping well. I’m glad to see lots of children trying really hard to complete the tasks being set- Keep up the good work. Joke of the day: Q: What did the ghost teacher say to the class? Here are your activities for today! Enjoy! English
And it’s a Good Morning from Mrs Calder too and welcome to Fabulous Friday!
https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pap/historypaint/hieroglyphics These web pages may help you…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3haTJCOkyxA https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9339j6/articles/zpbxb82 Enjoy ! Mrs Calder Thursday 26th March Joke of the day: Q: Teacher: If I had 6 oranges in one hand and 7 apples in the other, what would I have? Well done to everyone who is working really hard on the tasks at home! It is great to see all the hard work! Welcome to Thoughtful Thursday! Here are your tasks for today. Keep working hard year 4!
And it’s a Good Morning from Mrs Calder too and well done year 4 on all of your hard work across the curriculum. As so many of you are enjoying creating works of art on Purple Mash, I am sure you will find today’s task lots of fun.
https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pap/historypaint/hieroglyphics You will need to do a bit of research. This web page might help you… https://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_egypt/hieroglyphics_examples_alphabet.php And if you’re feeling particularly creative how about tackling the challenge: Year 4 have been invited to take part in a Year 3, 4 and RB2 Topic Challenge. We would like you to build a pyramid… It could be out of anything you find! paper cups, play dough, a cake…. anything you have already in your house!!! Just in case you want it, here is a simple play dough recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAIAm6BF0fs Keep safe and well! Mrs Calder
Wednesday 25th March Joke of the day: Q: Why was the maths book sad? Well done to all of those children who have completed the sessions so far! You are all super stars! Welcome to wonderful Wednesday!!- Hope you are enjoying spending some precious time with your family! Here are today’s tasks to keep you occupied and keep those brains busy.
Did you join in with Joe Wicks yesterday? Have a go today_ YouTube: P.E. With Joe / The Body Coach – daily at 9:00am Hello Again Year 4 and Happy Wednesday Your curriculum based task for today is from our learning about Easter.
https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pup/palm_sunday You will need to do a bit of research to remind you of the work we did in class. This might help you…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zvxn34j Have fun! Mrs Calder Tuesday 24th March Joke of the day: Knock, knock. Who’s there? Lettuce Lettuce who? Lettuce in I’m freezing out here! Well today is TERRIFIC TUESDAY- let’s see what TERRIFIC work we have planned for you today- enjoy.
Special Note: If you fancy a 30 minute work out try visiting Joe Wicks on YouTube at 9:00- he is doing a P.E session that everyone can join in with! It is great! Make sure you wear your P.E kit! Have a nice day! Mrs Sibbald Hello Year 4 hope you are all well and ready for some history fun today! Well done to those who completed yesterdays Science task, I was very impressed. Your curriculum task today is linked to our ‘Buried Treasure’ Topic Purple Mash – A little bit of history today about Ancient Egypt and the Nile. Please complete the assigned task. https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pup/egypt5 This website might help you to get started….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3rwmp3 Good Luck! Mrs Calder Monday 23rd March Good morning year 4! Hope you are well and eager to undertake today’s wonderful activities! For today’s work please complete the following:
Enjoy! Mrs Sibbald
Hello Year 4! Hope you are ready for some fun activities to link with our Curriculum.
https://www.purplemash.com/#app/pup/hb_exercise_what_happens You will need to do a little research to help you with your task. Here are a few websites that may help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWGulLAa0O0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TrcgDRcrBw https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zgqw2hv Have fun! Mrs Calder |