Home Learning Week Beginning 1st March 2021
Please see attached for home learning. World Book Day focus. See you all next week.
Home Learning – Week beginning 22nd February 2021
We hope you have all had a wonderful half term. Here is the learning for your first week back- a special history week! We have also set a few IXL tasks and you can catch up on any you have not managed to complete! Remember to send us pictures on Dojo and don’t forget our weekly zooms.
Many thanks,
Miss Tait
Home Learning – Week beginning 8th February 2021
Here is the learning for this week! Well done guys, keep going! Nearly half term!
Many thanks,
Miss Tait
Home Learning – Week beginning 1st February 2021
Here is the learning for this week! Well done guys, keep going!
Many thanks,
Miss Tait
Here is the UPDATED home learning for week beginning 25th January.
Many thanks,
Miss Tait
Here are the slides for this week’s home learning. We will have two zooms this week – please see slides for more details.
Please send any paper work via Dojo by taking a picture.
You have got this Year 2! Let’s go! Good luck.
Love, Miss Tait, Mrs Atthey and Miss Quinn
Here are the slides for this week’s home learning. We will have two zooms this week – please see slides for more details.
Please send any paper work via Dojo by taking a picture.
You have got this Year 2! Let’s go! Good luck.
Love, Miss Tait, Mrs Atthey and Miss Quinn
Here we are, once again, learning remotely!
I have every confidence in both the children and yourselves and I know that the children can do this! They are so resilient and are absolute super stars.
Here is the work for this week. We have completed a Culture Week all about Thailand. I hope the children enjoy learning all about this spectacular country.
There are tasks set that will need to be sent over Dojo- you can simply take a picture of the work and send it if this is easiest. Alternatively, there is an option to add as a file.
There will also be some work set on Purple Mash – this is made clear on the Slide Show.
Many thanks,
Miss Tait
Year 2 Home Learning – Week beginning 5th October
Please watch the slide show and videos to help with this week’s home learning. Work online will be on IXL/Purple Mash. Any paper work can be sent to me as a picture via Class Dojo. Below this slide you will also find some additional home learning related to Beach School.
KS1 Beach School Home Learning
Year 2 Home Learning – Week beginning 28th September
Please watch the slide show and videos to help with this week’s home learning. Each day’s work will be added one day at a time. Work online will be on IXL/Purple Mash. Any paper work can be sent to me as a picture via Class Dojo.
Many thanks, Miss Tait.
Week beginning 13th July 2020
This week is a very special week at the Mosaic Federation! As well as being the final week of the summer term, it’s Sports Week!!! Watch the slideshow below to see the exciting plans in store for you whether you are at home or at school this week!

Week beginning 6th July 2020
Year 2, I am still smiling after seeing you all on Friday at our transition party. It made my lockdown having lots of you back together again, seeing your smiling faces and having a dance. There were some fantastic moves!
Here is your home learning for this week. The summer holidays are in sight now, this is the last push. Keep going!
Week beginning 29th June 2020
Hello Year 2! It was lovely to finally see you some of your smiling faces last week, I am looking forward to seeing more of you this week!
Here is another week of exciting week of home learning for you! I hope you enjoy this week’s activities!
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Good Morning Year 2! Welcome to another week.. the sun has returned too! I hope you had the chance to enjoy some of it this weekend. Here’s hoping it is here to stay now!
Find below a new week of exciting activities for you. I know we have been doing this for a while now, but you really are doing so so well! Keep going! I am so proud of the resilience you have all shown!

Week beginning 15th June 2020
Ahoy there, Year 2!
Congratulations on completing another week of home learning! You are doing a fantastic job. I hope you have enjoyed our new topic this week, I have had lots of fun planning it! Here is this week’s tasks for you. Remember this is still flexible and you can work in a way to best suit you!
Have a wonderful week me harteys!!
NOTE: The link for our Literacy story this week is a little bit intermittent! If you receive a message to say ‘Video unavailable’ you can either:
- Follow the message underneath the link to take you to YouTube playback.
- Load YouTube separately and type in ‘How I Became A Pirate by Melinda Long’ and select the ‘Read Aloud’ video!
If you have any problems, please get in touch via the Facebook page and we will try our best to help!
Week beginning 8th June 2020
Good Morning, Year 2!
As there are some children returning to school this week and staff are now in school again we have made some changes to the way you will see your home learning. Below is a slide show of your work for the week. Simply go through the slide show to see what you should be doing each day. This is still flexible and you can work in a way to best suit you! The slideshow is a guide but don’t worry if you do tasks on a different day.
I hope you enjoy the week’s tasks! I’m very excited to be starting our new topic and hope you will be too! Have a wonderful week everyone!
Friday 5th June

Good morning, Year 2! It’s Friday already!! Well done for your first week back after half term, you have all worked very hard! To round off the week we are going to complete our unit of work on money and verbs before starting a new topic in each next week!
Today’s IXL tasks are:
- Comparing amounts of money
- Using the correct verb form
- OR
- Sentence types: are they telling or asking?
Don’t forget, today is the final day for our times tables battle! Let’s see who can be this weeks champion!
Play some games on Phonics Play
It is free for you to use at the moment, just log in with:
Username: march20
Password: home
I would suggest practising blending by using the games under ‘Popular resources’ as I think you are great with your sound recognition! When it asks which phase you would like to practise I think most of you should be practising all sounds around Phase 3 and upwards, but practising Phase 2 will do you no harm!!
Try this Alphablocks Early Morning Word Challenge too!
Design and Technology
Earlier in the week you had a design task of making castanets! Today, follow the BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson to learn all about packaging; the reasons we have it and the way it is made!
Have a fabulous Friday and wonderful weekend everyone!
Thursday 4th June
Good morning Year 2! I hope you are all ok today and had a wonderful Wednesday yesterday – it’s a shame our weather isn’t as nice anymore!
Why not start the day active. I was in school yesterday and this Just Dance seemed to be popular with the key worker children:
IXL today is:
- Least number of coins
- Purchases: Do you have enough money?
- Complete the rhyme
- Complete the poem with a word that rhymes
- OR
- Identify and use end marks
- Find the complete sentence
Keep going with this battle guys. Our times tables are so important. The more you practise the quicker you will be!
The BFG – Chapter 1

Listen carefully to Chapter 1 and then answer the questions below. Write them down or discuss them with a grown up!
- Why could Sophie not sleep?
- What is a lavatory?
- Why do you think there were no cars or people in the street?
- What do you think Sophie saw when she looked out the window?
Recap your habitats knowledge with today’s BBC Bitesize daily lesson!
Have a fantastic Thursday, everyone!
Wednesday 3rd June
Welcome to Wednesday everyone! We may not have the hot sunshine that we have had recently but you can still make Wednesday wonderful!
Today, I would like you to start with a little well-being challenge: spend a few minutes thinking about some of your favourite memories. You could write them down, draw a picture or even tell it to someone else. Think about why it made you so happy.
My Wednesday well-being memory is of my brother’s wedding last year. It was a fantastic day filled with lots of friends and family celebrating together. It even rained at one point, but that didn’t stop us having fun! What will your well-being memory be?
IXL today will be continuing the fantastic progress you have made this week with money and verbs.
- Exchanging coins
- Money word problems
- Using the present tense
- Using the correct form
- OR
- Alphabet and letter recognition
Don’t forget about Boys vs Girls challenge! The girls are still ahead.. but for how long?
I have set a number of different time and money challenges on Mathletics for you this week to access as a challenge! When you have completed your IXL task, visit Mathletics and challenge yourself!

Today, we are going to begin reading ‘The BFG’ together. I will upload a new chapter every couple of days. But, before I upload chapter 1 I would like you to use your predicting skills.
Chat to a grown up and make a prediction of what you think the story will be about using the clues from the front cover. Write your prediction down so you can check back later to see if you were correct! What else can you learn from the front cover?
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday 2nd June

Happy Tuesday, Year 2! I hope you all had a good first day back yesterday? Well done for your hard work yesterday.
We are going to continue with our Literacy and Maths on IXL, today’s tasks are:
- Counting coins
- Equivalent groups of coins
- Match -ed and -ing endings
- To be: use correct present tense form
- OR
- Find the word in a sentence
The girls have taken the lead to begin with.. will it stay that way or will the boys catch up!?
Music and DT
Let’s get creative this week! You might need to collect some bits and pieces first but have a go at creating your own castanets following the video below! Send us a picture or video of you using them!
I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!
Monday 1st June

Good Morning, Year 2! Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing half term holiday. How beautiful has our weather been? I hope you have all managed to get out and enjoy it.. don’t forget that sun tan cream!
We are going to start our new term looking at money in Maths and continuing with verbs in Literacy. Check IXL for your tasks this week:
- Coin values
- Counting using coins
- Identifying verb tenses on a timeline
- Complete the verb with the ending you hear
- OR
- Identifying books parts and features
There is a fresh new tournament for you all this week! Boys VS Girls and you have the whole week to complete it! I wonder who will start off our Summer 2 half term as the champions?
Today, there are 2 helpful lessons uploaded for you, one on types of sentence and one on 10 times table. I would like you to choose one to complete. If you really want to challenge yourself.. why not do both?
Have a wonderful first day back everyone, enjoy that sunshine whilst it lasts!
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Year 2! We have made it through another week and through a whole half term of online learning! A huge well done to you all, and to all of your grown ups who have helped you with your work.
We are going to finish on a high and keep going towards our IXL targets and TTRockstars battle!
There won’t be any home learning set for next week, however you can still log on and access activities if you would like but make sure you have a break!
Today’s IXL tasks:
- Comparing clocks and times
- Multiplying by 5
- Reading a calendar
- Form and use the regular past tense
- Identify the past tense
- What will happen next?
- What am I?
I have just edged into the lead.. will you be able to catch me up before the end of the battle at 5:00pm tonight? We’ll see!!
Let’s finish the half term on a musical note! Learn to create music from things you will find in the house in today’s BBC Bitesize daily lesson . Send us a picture or video of your musical creations!!
Have a fantastic half term holiday everyone, you have worked so hard this half term and deserve the rest. Make sure you make lots of wonderful memories with your family and enjoy the time together!
Thursday 21st May

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week Year 1, Year 2 and ARB1 would like to create a personalised ‘Little Book of Happiness’.
We know that the past few weeks have been tough, but even though every day may not be good, there is something good in every day. It is these little moments we would like to capture so that we can share them with others and have something to act as a reminder when ‘normal’ resumes.
Can we request that you send in (send in FB messenger) your child’s favourite joke or anything that has made you and your family smile? It could be as simple as hearing the birds singing, playing football in the garden or splashing in a stream, if you have a picture you could attach even better!
Can you please send your jokes, smiles and pictures by Tuesday 26th May? We look forward to you sharing your ‘little bit of happiness’ with us.
Here’s a smile of mine. Finding trees to climb. Miss Southern 🙂

Now then, let’s have a look at today’s other tasks! Year 2, you are doing so well with your IXL challenge, we have a little way to go but I am still optimistic and believe in you all.

Check out your tasks below!
Our final push with time before we move on to our next topic!
- Time word problems
- Elapsed time
- Reading a calendar
- Future tense
- Tenses timelines
You have just jumped ahead of me in our battle but I’m going to be working hard at it today so I hope you will be too!
Have a thrilling Thursday everyone,
don’t forget about our ‘Little Book of Happiness’ challenge. I can’t wait to see your pictures!
Wednesday 20th May

Happy Wednesday everyone! Half way through another week already! Ok.. I have a big challenge for us today! Last week we smashed the 20,000 question mark. Our next milestone.. 30,000. Where are we now?

Can we reach 30,000 by half term?
That is 185 questions each by Friday! 62 questions each a day.
Based on how fantastic you have been so far, I think we can do it.. but it needs a bit of team work!
See your IXL tasks today to help us along with the super-challenge!!
Do you know your seasons, months and days of the week? Let’s find out!
- Seasons of the year
- Months of the year
- Days of the week
Here are some catchy songs to help you remember – I wonder how many of you will be singing these all day now?
- Past tense
- Future tense
- Identify the sounds in a word
- Put the sounds in order
Guess who is in the lead on TTRockstars… How long will it stay like that I wonder? Keep going!!
You are all doing a faaaaan-tastic job! Keep it up!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Tuesday 19th May

Hello Year 2! How are you all doing? Very well I hope, and I hope you all had a good day yesterday!
As it is Mental Health Week this week, today we are going to do some activities all about us! I have set you some tasks on PurpleMash:
- All about me – try to include lots of detail about yourself!
- My family paint project
- Label parts of the body quiz
There is a new Teacher vs Year 2 battle to complete! You have until 5:00pm on Friday! Let’s see who can be this weeks champion!
There are some really useful lessons on Bitesize today
- Maths: Using arrays
- Literacy: Co-ordinating conjunctions
Head over and complete these activities then check IXL for linked tasks!
Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!

Monday 18th May
Good morning Year 2! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend? I took my dog out for a lovely long walk on Saturday – we’ve found lots of new places near where we live. Have you found anywhere new near you since we’ve been off?
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2020: Kindness Matters.
Our mental health is more important than ever at the moment and it is so important we look after it. This years theme is ‘kindness’. Being kind is ‘the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate’, doing something for someone and not expecting anything in return. I know you are all so kind already and this week we are going to show that off!
Your challenge is to do one thing a day to make someone else smile. Some ideas are:
- Helping a grown up with jobs around the house
- Drawing a picture for someone to cheer them up
- Send a text to someone you haven’t seen for a while to see how they are doing
Watch this video below to learn a bit more about this Mental Health Awareness Week:
You are doing so well with IXL at the moment, I am really proud. We are going to keep going today.
We are going to continue with time this week and begin by looking at:
- Time and clock: word problems
- Elapsed time
- OR
- Matching analogue clocks and times
- Reading clocks and writing times
- Pronoun verb agreement
- Select the sentence that tells us about the present
- OR
- Consonant blends and digraphs
- Complete the word with the right initial consonant blend
Visit BBC Bitesize daily lesson to learn about Rosa Parks and her achievements.
Display the information you have learned in anyway you like, it could be:
- poster
- leaflet
- fact file
- written paragraph
- information text
Don’t forget to send it to the school Facebook page, we love to see your work!
Have a marvellous Monday everyone!
Friday 15th May

Happy Friday, Year 2! We have made it through another week – you have been fantastic! Well Done. Last push today before a weekend!!
For Maths today, we are continuing our roll on IXL:
Keep going with time:
- Times of everyday events
- Comparing clocks
- OR
- Seasons
- Identifying comparative and superlative adjectives
- Comparing pictures using adjectives
- Comparative and superlative
- OR
- Which feeling matches the picture?
- What is the picture about?
Use the video below to help you understand comparatives and superlatives!
Wow! Well done to the girls who have taken the lead! You have until 4:00pm today to keep the lead!
Art and Painting
There is no better way to end the week than with some drawing and painting. Visit BBC Bitesize for today’s Art and Painting lesson. Remember to send us your art work!
Have a wonderful Friday and weekend everyone!
Thursday 14th May
Wow! Wow! Wow! Year 2, not only did you hit 20,000 yesterday.. you smashed it!! I am so proud of you all. Well Done! Look at all those hours of hard work you have done too.. 100!

Today, we are going to continue with our fantastic work and keep going with some more IXL:
- Time words: o’clock, half, quarter
- AM or PM?
- Adjectives
- Compare adjectives
- Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
- OR
- Literacy skills
- Which could happen in real life?
Keep going with our Boys vs Girls battle this week! Let’s see who our highest scorer can be!!
Visit BBC Bitesize to learn about how animals are classified (sorted) into different groups!
There is then an animals quiz to complete on PurpleMash!
Don’t forget to visit the PE Distance Learning page for some activities to help you get active too!
Have a fantastic Thursday everyone!
Wednesday 13th May

Happy Wednesday everyone! Look how close we are:

We have 860 questions to go.. if everyone answered 29 questions today then we would reach our target!! I know some of you have been answering a lot more questions than that each day so I am feeling positive. I am in school today so I will check when I get home!!
To help us achieve our target we are going to have an IXL extravaganza!
We are going to continue with time:
- Match digital clocks and times
- Read the clock and write the time
- Identifying articles
- OR
- Who, what, where, why, when – identifying appropriate question words!
Don’t forget to use the videos below to help you with the tasks you have today!
It’s good to see that some of the boys have begun the new battle that has been set.. girls, you have some catching up to do! My challenge today is for everyone to have at least 50 points in the battle. Don’t forget I can see who has been playing and how many points you have individually! I’m looking for our highest scorer!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday 12th May

Hello Year 2! How are we all doing? I hope you had a great day yesterday. We’re getting so close to our IXL target – 18, 599 questions answered. What an achievement!!
Keep revisiting IXL and checking to see if there are any activities you can catch up on.
Today I would like you to head over to PurpleMash where I have set you some grammar tasks:
- Compound nouns
- Suffixes
You have a new Boys vs Girls battle. This time, not only do I want to see which team has won, I am going to be looking to see which individual person has the highest score! Will that be you?
History – Dr Martin Luther King
Head over to BBC bitesize and learn all about the life and achievements of Dr Martin Luther King.
Can you display the facts you have learned in either:
- A poster
- Fact file
- PurpleMash report.
Don’t forget to show off your work by sending it to the school Facebook messenger!
Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

Monday 11th May

Good Morning Year 2! Welcome to a new week. I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy some VE Day celebrations. I enjoyed celebrating with my neighbours from a safe distance, we listened to some old war time songs too!
Another week brings a another challenge. On IXL we are going to continue our challenge of reaching 20,000 questions. You’ve made great progress towards this and I’m feeling positive!
Your IXL jobs for today are:
We are going to begin looking at time and how to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks. Watch this video before you complete your tasks to help.
Now complete the task you have been set:
- Matching analogue and digital time.
You will have either:
- Identifying articles
- OR
- Parts of speech
Complete the task you have been set.
This video below will help you to understand articles before you complete your task.
Today, BBC Bitesize have a Phonics refresher lesson which will be very useful for everyone. Please visit the BBC Bitesize page and complete the activities to help you refresh your phonics knowledge and apply it when writing sentences about exploring!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Thursday 7th May
Morning Year 2! Look at the fantastic progress you are making on IXL! Look at all those hours you have been on!

Today is going to have a history focus. We will not be setting any work for you tomorrow as it is the Bank Holiday. However, today I would like you to learn and understand more about why we celebrate VE Day. Use the videos below to find some information OR do some research of your own and then complete the tasks on PurpleMash,
- VE Day newspaper report
- Write from the perspective of an evacuee boy or girl
When you have completed these jobs, here some other activities you may like to do to help prepare for your VE Day Celebrations – whatever they may be! Enjoy and remember to send us some pictures!
Have a wonderful day, Bank Holiday and weekend everyone.
Enjoy your celebrations but remember..
Wednesday 6th May
Happy Wednesday Year 2! We have passed the half way mark this week as there won’t be any work on Friday to allow you to take part in the VE Day celebrations! I have already seen some lovely decorations in the making!
We are going to have another IXL day today. You are doing so well!!

We’re getting closer to that 20,000 milestone!
Today’s tasks are :
- Cubes and rectangular prisms
Here is another 3D shapes video to help you learn their names and properties!
- Pronoun and verb agreement
Remind yourself of a pronoun here!
Keep going with our battle! I told you it would be a tricky one but lets see how high our score can be!
Carry out some research to find out what it was like when food was rationed during the war. Write about what you have found out for your PurpleMash writing task. Are there any similarities to what we have had to do recently? Have a chat to your grown ups and grandparents and see if they can tell you about rationing in the war too! It’s all research!

Have a wonderful day Year 2!

Tuesday 5th May
Good morning Year 2! Well done for all your work towards our IXL target yesterday. You passed the 15,000 questions mark. Fantastic progress, keep it up!

Remember to visit the PE distance learning page for some activities for your daily exercise, I updated it yesterday with lots of great videos for you to join in with. I have been having a go at some yoga recently and have really enjoyed it! Maybe you could try some today and let me know if you enjoy it!
Today we are going to continue with our IXL challenge, let’s see how many more questions we can answer!
In Maths, we are going to be looking at 3D shapes. Watch one of these videos below to help you recognise and name 3D shapes before completing your IXL task!
- Name the 3D shape
- Complete the sentence with the appropriate ‘subject’.
Use the short video below to recap what a ‘subject’ is.
How would you like another challenge? This one will be tricky; A battle between Year 2 vs Year 3! We are going to see if we can beat Miss Tait’s class.. I’m feeling positive! The battle starts today at 9am and finishes Thursday 4pm.
Good Luck!
Don’t forget about your phonics job on PurpleMash you were set yesterday too!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Monday 4th May

Happy Monday, Year 2 – and Happy Star Wars day to any fans!! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. The weather was a bit funny but I hope you still managed to get out for your daily exercise and enjoy the sun when it made an appearance!
You are doing so well on IXL everyone, and I saw a big improvement last week. Well Done. We are going to carry on with IXL today with the following tasks:
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Identifying the best verb to complete the sentence
Remember to check back and complete any activities you haven’t done yet if you are still looking for a job after you have finished these!
I have set you a phonics activity on PurpleMash to complete too – remember to practise phonics as often as possible to keep those sounds fresh!
Don’t forget you can watch videos like Alphablocks on YouTube to help practise them too.
Play some games on Phonics Play
It is free for you to use at the moment, just log in with:
Username: march20
Password: home
I would suggest practising blending by using the games under ‘Popular resources’ as I think you are great with your sound recognition! When it asks which phase you would like to practise I think most of you should be practising all sounds around Phase 3 and upwards, but practising Phase 2 will do you no harm!!
Have a great Monday Year 2, see you tomorrow!
Friday 1st May

Happy Friday everyone! The beginning of a new month.. I wonder what this one will have in store for us!
Year 2, look at how well you are doing on IXL. I logged on last night and am so impressed with what you have achieved so far! You should be too. I will take another snapshot next week and we can check our progress!

I saw a big increase in our work yesterday, well done everyone!
Today we are going to see if we can reach 13,000 and beyond!
I have set you some more tasks on IXL:
- Open and closed shapes
- Use action verbs
and an extra challenge:
- One or more than one? – look at plural words!
Miss Tait and I made up for lost time yesterday and got a bit carried away. You have some work to do to catch us up!! But I think you’ll be able to get there. You have until 4:00pm to beat the teacher!
We usually have Funky Fridays so carry on the music theme and join in with BBC Bitesize Music where you will learn how to make music without any instruments!!!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday 30th April
Hello Year 2! It was lovely to speak to some of you and your grown ups yesterday, great to hear you are all doing ok. I will be making some more calls next time I am in school and am looking forward to hearing about the progress you are making!
When you are washing your hands sing it to Captain Tom, who turns 100 today! He has raised more than £29 million for our NHS by walking laps of his garden. You can find out how the Royal Mail are celebrating his birthday by reading this Newsround article.

Today is going to be a bit of Science day! I would like you to visit the BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson for Science – Materials.
We have done some of this in school so you can use it as a bit of a refresher! Then complete the tasks I have set you on PurpleMash. You have to
- Compare materials
- Look at the difference between natural and man-made materials
- Play the materials matching game
Don’t forget your 10 minutes reading today too. If you have managed to get through your reading books or are looking for something a bit different, visit Oxford Owl – they have a big range of free e-books for you to read!
Uh oh! It looks like you all made the most of me being in school yesterday! I have my work cut out today – keep going with this battle, I think we might reach our target of 1,000 points by tomorrow!!
Have a fantastic Thursday everyone, stay safe x
Wednesday 29th April
Good morning Year 2! It’s Wednesday and we’re halfway through another week already! As a class you have now answered over 10,000 questions on IXL! I have seen an increase in the number of you accessing IXL this week too. Well Done!
Today we are going to go back to Maths and Literacy. I have set you tasks on IXL following on from Monday. They are:
- Compare sides and vertices
- Identifying action verbs
If you complete these two tasks and are still looking for some more activities, remember to check back and see if there are any you haven’t completed yet!
I am also in the lead on TTRockstars (with a bit of help from Miss Tait – we call it teamwork), I am in school today doing some jobs. I wonder who will be in the lead by the time I get home?
Don’t forget to read for 10 minutes today too – it can be anything you like. Reading is the most important skill to keep going whilst we are working from home. Keep it up as much as you can!!
Something extra
It is ‘World Wish Day’ today! Can you create a list or jar full of the things you wish to do when things begin returning to normal (because this won’t last forever remember!) Write them down and keep them safe and then you have a fun list of activities waiting for you to do when it is safe to.

Some of the things on my list are:
- Go to the beach and get an ice cream from Minchellas! (Even if the weather is horrible!!)
- Go to the cinema to see a new film with lots of sweeties.
- Invite my friends round for tea.
- Go and visit my Grandma, and sit in the garden having a cup of tea!
- Hug everyone that I see who I know!!!
What will be on your list?
Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday 28th April
Happy Tuesday, Year 2! I can see that 11 of you have already completed yesterday’s tasks on IXL. Super effort!
Today is going to have a bit more of a curriculum focus. Throughout the year we have been learning about the seasons. Technically in school we are now in the Summer term so I would like you to do a bit of Seasons Science work today. But first, look outside your window, which signs of Summer can you see?
Visit the BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson for some information and activities, then complete the Seasons task I have set you on PurpleMash! I am looking forward to reading your leaflets! There is also a fun quiz on there for you to finish with too.
Perhaps you could practise your reading today by reading your leaflet to someone in your house? Why not teach them about the seasons too!
Breakfast challenge!
Can you practise counting in 2s and 5s whilst having your breakfast thismorning? Warm those brains up with some fuel and a bit of mental Maths!
Don’t forget about our TT Rockstars challenge too! I didn’t get chance to go on yesterday as I had some jobs to do but I have set some time aside today especially to start beating you all!!! Watch out!
Have a great day Year 2!
Monday 27th April
Good Morning Year 2! I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I spent lots of mine in the garden – mainly fixing holes in my lawn!! But had the chance to do some reading in the sunshine too. Have you been reading some stories too?
This week I would like us to really focus on our IXL tasks. This website is really good for our home learning- when you make a mistake it explains the correct method to you! I know some of you are accessing this regularly and that is fantastic to see.
You will be set 3 IXL tasks for Maths and Literacy this week, today’s tasks are:
- Counting sides and vertices of shapes
- Verbs – Complete the sentence with an action verb to match the picture.
If you have completed these tasks, check back under the ‘Skills suggested by your teacher’ and see if there are any you have not completed yet. The most recent tasks appear at the top of the list.
Aim for 10 minutes reading every day. This could be to someone in your house, a pet, your favourite toy or the flowers in your garden!!
TT Rockstars
I can’t believe you beat me by one point!!!

I have started another battle between you and me! This time you have a week to beat me! You have until 4:00pm on Friday. I can see individually who is playing and how many points you collect – let’s see who can get the highest individual score too! Do you think we can get over 1,000?
Friday 24th April
Well Done everyone! Another week of home learning done. I woke up to an e-mail for IXL telling me that as a class you have spent 20 hours practising Maths!! Wow. I am able to see who has been on and completing the tasks and I can see you are working so hard. You should be very proud.. I am! You have earned a lovely, relaxing weekend.
Today, I would like you to head over to BBC Bitesize Daily Maths lesson. There are some challenges on there that I think will get your brains working! Why don’t you have a go and then challenge a grown up to see if they can figure the problems out too?
There is also a BBC Bitesize Daily Reading lesson I would like you to complete today too. You can hear a new story and then see if you can answer some questions about what you have read!
Finally, there is a PSHE lesson about our emotions on BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson that I would like you to try. As this is a bit of an unusual time for us, our emotions might change.. that’s ok and perfectly normal. This lesson will help you to understand some of the emotions you might be feeling.
Yes! I can still set you homework.. but don’t worry, I think this is a nice one. This weekend, I would like you to choose an activity that you love to do with someone in your house. At the moment, we are spending lots of time at home with family and it’s important we treasure that. So pick your favourite film, read your favourite book, bake your favourite cake or play your favourite game. Whatever it is, make sure you do it with a smile on your face and remember the positives we can take from this situation.
Have a wonderful weekend Year 2, stay safe and keep washing those hands! x
Thursday 23rd April
Morning Year 2! I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, one step closer to the weekend! Thank you to those of you who sent work in, it was fantastic to see and really brightened my day up. My naughty doggy dug a hole in the middle of my lawn so I was feeling a bit sad, but your work really cheered me up!
You have had 3 days of IXL activities so today we are going to have a break. You can use today as a catch up for any activities you haven’t managed yet or have a rest from it.
I have set some more tasks on Mathletics for you. They are:
- Partition Puzzles
- Addition word problems
- Add and Subtract problems
- Fill the jar
They do not all have to be done today, work through them at your own pace!
Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that you beat me last time! I challenge you all to a battle! Do you think you will be able to beat me again? You have until 4:00pm on Friday to try your best.
Warning! I have been practising!!
It’s tricky for us to do our spellings at the moment, however I am going to list 5 common exception words from Year 1 and 5 from Year 2. Can you recap your Year 1 words and then try our Year 2 words? If 10 is too many, just practise the amount that works best for you!
This week’s spellings are:
Year 1 words
- the
- they
- one
- once
- ask
Year 2 words
- door
- floor
- poor
- find
- because (can you remember our special phrase?)

Your challenge is to find the most creative way to learn your spellings as you can!
Some ideas might be:
- write the word on someone’s back
- writing in sand/glitter
- create the word using things around the house
- write the word down, cover, write it again without looking then check if you’re correct (a bit like our spelling sheets!)
- spell the word out loud then write it down
When you feel confident with your spellings, perhaps you could ask a grown up to test you!
Remind yourself about staying safe online!
- Complete ‘Online Safety Game’
Music is a great way to make us feel a bit better, especially if we are having a tricky day. We all have them, and that’s ok!
Why not join in today’s BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson, which is Music! Watch and learn all about singing songs and using chants and rhymes!
Can you remember any of our Music Festival songs? Maybe you could teach someone in your house your favourite song!
Have a great Thursday everyone!
PS. Tonight I will be clapping for our NHS heroes but I’m going to do some extra claps for all of our wonderful children and grown ups who are doing such a fantastic job with your home learning. You should all be very proud! x
Wednesday 22nd April
Well Done everyone, we are half way through our first week back! I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to enjoy some of that sunshine!
For a bit of a change, why not start the day relaxed with a bit of yoga! This video will take you on an adventure and have you exercising at the same time.. all whilst you stay at home!
Now you are ready to work, here are today’s jobs!
- Naming 2D shapes
- Identifying 2D shapes
We are going to be learning about shapes this week! If you can’t quite remember what you have learned before, why not start with a quick quiz to refresh your mind! There is also a lesson linked to 2D shapes to help your learning. Join the lesson and then complete the activities on IXL afterwards.
- Syllables
Phonics Play – Picnic on Pluto
This time, when asked, select ‘Phase 3’ then work your way through as many of the sounds as you can. Don’t worry if you repeat sounds.. it’s all practise!
Today I would like you to have a Rock Slam with someone in our class! This means you can challenge your friend and the person with the highest score wins! I’ll be watching out for the winners!
Today, is Earth Day! A day where we celebrate our Earth and learn about how we can help to look after it. You might have read that lots of things in our environment have got better since we have been off school. For example: people have been taking less flights so our air pollution has dropped!
I would like you to think about how we can help our Earth. Watch the video below for some ideas then you can either:
- Draw an informative poster about Earth Day and how we can help look after the world
- Create a poster about the importance of recycling
- Create a collage of our world using either things you can find in the house, or a natural collage from bits and pieces in your garden.
Watch the video and have a look at the pictures below for some inspiration!
Please send in some of your wonderful work to our school Facebook page. I would love to see it!
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Tuesday 21st April
Morning Year 2! I hope you had a good first day back yesterday and managed the activities ok! I was in school yesterday, it was lovely to be back but I missed going into our classroom and seeing you all there!
Here are your jobs for today!
You have one job for each of the four operations. It might take a little while so don’t worry if you don’t get through them all today.
- Adding doubles
- Subtraction sentences
- Counting in equal groups
- Divide by 2
- Consonant sounds and letters
- Words that start with the same sounds
- Words that end with the same sounds
The Girls vs Boys battle continues until tonight! You have until 5:00pm to be the best team!!!
Phonics Play – Picnic on Pluto
Again, when asked, select ‘Phase 2’ then work your way through as many of the sounds as you can. Don’t worry if you repeat sounds.. it’s all practise!
Today, I would like you to do a bit of Geography! I remember how brilliant you all were in map work when we did it in class, so visit BBC Bitesize to recap the four countries of the UK and their cities and then complete the activities afterwards!
BBC Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z42pnrd
If you are still looking for some activities to do, check Mathletics for some problem solving activites! There is no due date on these activities, so visit them when you feel like.
- Partition puzzles
- Adding to 10 word problems
- Missing numbers
- Multiplication problems
As it might be a little while since you have done some writing, use the links below to read through our Read Write Inc sounds. Check your sounds are still speedy and practise any that are tricky! In Set 1 sounds, each sound has the letter and phrase underneath to help you practise your handwriting. Read the sound and then practise it on a scrap piece of paper or whiteboard if you have one!
CHALLENGE! Why not find a sentence or two from your favourite story each day and write it out to practise?
Don’t forget to keep reading books and stories with your grown ups! This will help you lots when you come back to school!
Grown ups, here is a handy video to help you pronounce some of the sounds your child may come across when they are reading!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Monday 20th April
Good Morning Year 2! I hope you have enjoyed your 2 week break and managed to enjoy some family time over Easter!
Don’t forget to start your day the right way with some exercise, it’s amazing how good it can make you feel afterwards!
Follow the link or type ‘PE with Joe’ into YouTube for today’s workout.
Well Done for all the hardwork that has been completed on IXL, between you all you have answered nearly 5000 questions!! Choose a celebration to award yourself for your brilliant work!
I have set you some tasks to complete, try your best but remember it takes a while to get back into ‘school mode’ after a holiday..and that’s even trickier at the moment! So do what you can, but don’t worry!
IXL – https://uk.ixl.com/signin
Tasks will be assigned to you when you log in.
Addition word problems – sums up to 10.
Addition facts – sums up to 20.
- identify the nouns
- complete the sentences with the correct noun.
Phonics – https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Phonics Play – Buried Treasure game
When asked, select ‘Phase 2’ then work your way through as many of the sounds as you can. Don’t worry if you repeat sounds.. it’s all practise!
TT Rockstars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w
Girls vs Boys battle! You have until 5:00pm on Tuesday to be the best team!!!
PE: Can you create your own PE workout?
Think of a range of different activities that will get your heart racing and your muscles working!
Choose an activity, and think of how many moves you should do or for how long. Write it down and see if you can get everyone in your house to join in with you!
Here is an example:
-10 star jumps
-Running on the spot for 30 seconds
-5 push ups
-10 jumping jacks
-5 squats
-Climb the rope 30 seconds
Joe Wicks might be able to give you some inspiration if you need it!
Monday 30th March – Friday 3rd April
Good Morning year 2! I hope you have all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
Today I am going to set you some tasks but you have the week to complete them. We have the new addition of IXL which has some Maths and Literacy tasks for you to complete. Log ins have been sent out and should arrive to you this week.. don’t worry if you haven’t had yours yet, it’s on it’s way! Just complete the activities when you get your log in.
Remember you have been sent out some paper based activities too so you can mix and match to complete the activities when it works best for you.
Don’t forget these useful links to help you throughout the week too!
Joe Wicks morning work out everyday at 9am!
I have been doing this each morning and my legs are aching!!!
Audio Stories with David Walliams
The Twits online story
Your activities this week are:
IXL – https://uk.ixl.com/signin
Assigned activities will show when you log on.
IXL – Literacy
- Consonant and Vowels
- Find the vowels in words
- Pictures that rhyme
- Which word does not rhyme
IXL – Maths
- One more one less than 10
- Counting up and down to 10
- Count to fill 10 frame
- Count to 20 review
- Counting 10s and 1s
- Counting on 10s frames
Mathletics – https://login.mathletics.com/
- Balancing additions to 20
- Simples subtractions
- Fact families
- Adding 3 1 digit numbers
TTRockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/
New tournament alert: Girls vs Boys!
Who is going to have the biggest score by 4pm on Friday?!
SPAG.com – https://www.spag.com/
Individual task assigned that will display when you log in.
- Exclamation and question marks (B)
- Verb tenses (A)
PurpleMash – https://www.purplemash.com/login/
-Science – Animal Needs
– Computing – E-safety matching task
– Computing – E-safety poster
Have a great week and keep checking back for additional activities!
CHALLENGE: Can you be the teacher?
Write a quiz and test your grown ups! It can be on anything you have learned about! Write 5 questions and see if they can answer correctly! You could even give them a Teacher’s Award for full marks!
Friday 27th March
Happy Friday Year 2!
FRIDAY CHALLENGE! Why not have your own Funky Friday at home? Choose your favourite song to play and see if you can get your whole house up and dancing!
Don’t forget about P.E with Joe to get you moving! Live at 9am, you can use the link below.
Audio Stories
If you’re having a break and want to listen to a story today, David Walliams is the man to listen to! Follow the link below for today’s Elevenses story!
I know we didn’t have chance to finish The Twits in class, why not have a listen yourself! Here is part 1.
TTRockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/
HOLY SMOKES! You beat me good and proper!! I think I need to practise some more. I’ll be doing my homework. Whilst I am, can you complete 2 Studio Games? How many points can you score? I wonder who our highest scorer will be!
Mathletics – https://login.mathletics.com/
Part-Whole rods.
Use your knowledge of the part-part-whole method to help you with this one!
Literacy – https://www.spag.com/
Individual task assigned that will display when you log in.
One task per day only.
Suffixes (A)
Exclamation and Question marks (A)
Phonics – You can practise your speed sounds by watching this video too!
Curriculum – https://www.purplemash.com/login/
Geography – Polar Climate post card.
Have a wonderful Friday everyone, I hope you are staying safe x
Thursday 26th March
Morning Year 2! I hope you all managed to enjoy some of the sunshine yesterday, whether it be in the garden or through a window. Could you spot many signs of Spring? Here are today’s tasks to keep you busy!
Don’t forget about P.E with Joe to get you moving! Live at 9am, you can use the link below.
And why not continue the exercise with a bit of Just Dance, use the link below to bust some grooves!
I would love to see pictures or videos of you joining in these activities. Ask your grown up send them to the Facebook page so we can see!
TTRockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/
Congratulations AGAIN to the girls!! It was much closer this time though: 71 vs 81. I think it’s time you all teamed together now and tried to BEAT THE TEACHER! Think you can do it? You have until 5:00pm tonight to prove it!
Mathletics – https://login.mathletics.com/
Fractions of a Collection
Literacy – https://www.spag.com/
Individual task assigned that will display when you log in.
One task per day only.
Apostrophes and Commas (B)
Creating Sentences (B)
Phonics – You can practise your speed sounds by watching this video too!
Curriculum – https://www.purplemash.com/login/
- R.E – Oakley and Broady’s Easter
2. Geography – Arctic labelling game!
Have a fantastic day Year 2. I am missing you all!
Wednesday 25th March
Good Morning Year 2!! Fantastic work again from yesterday. I am very impressed! Keep going, you are doing a wonderful job! Here are today’s tasks.
Don’t forget about P.E with Joe to get you moving! Live at 9am, you can use the link below.
TTRockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/
As I type this at 8:30am the boys are in the lead! Girls.. are you going to let this happen!? You have until 4:00pm tonight, then the winner will be revealed! Good Luck!
Mathletics – https://login.mathletics.com/
Halves and Quarters
Literacy – https://www.spag.com/
Individual task assigned that will display when you log in.
One task per day only.
Apostrophes and Commas (A)
Creating Sentences
Curriculum – https://www.purplemash.com/login/
Polar Regions and Adaptations
Tuesday 24th March
Good Morning Year 2! Well Done for the work you have completed so far, I have been having a look at your scores and they are brilliant.
Remember! If you are having difficulty accessing websites due to them being so busy, you also have your paper activities too. Reading your books and practising your timestables daily is great too!
If you’re looking for an exercise break, don’t forget about P.E with Joe, you can join in Live at 9am each day, but don’t worry if you miss it, you can access the daily videos at anytime!
Here is today’s!
P.E with Joe:
Mathletics – https://login.mathletics.com/
Model Fractions
Literacy – https://www.spag.com/
Individual task assigned that will display when you log in.
One task per day only.
4 Sentence Types (B)
Capital Letters and Full Stops (B)
Curriculum – https://www.purplemash.com/login/
Describing Spring
TTRockstars – Congratulations to the GIRLS who won our last timestables battle, 144 points vs 116.
You have been set another battle.. can you win this time boys? Good Luck!
Stay safe everyone x
Monday 23rd March
Mathletics – https://login.mathletics.com/
Shade Fractions
Dividing into Equal groups
Literacy – https://www.spag.com/
Individual task assigned that will display when you log in.
One task per day only.
4 Sentence Types (A)
Capital Letters and Full Stops (A)
Curriculum – https://www.purplemash.com/login/
-UK Countries
-World Continents
-World Oceans